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Posts Tagged: September 2016

Proposals sought for extension risk-management education competitive grants

Funding for projects that help farm and ranch families succeed through targeted risk-management strategies is available through the Western Extension Risk Management Education Center (Western Center). The maximum amount of requested funding shall not exceed $50,000 for education projects and $2,000 for exploratory projects.

To apply, go to the Western Center website and select “Competitive Grants Program.” The grants application process is fully explained in the Western Center's 2017 Request for Applications. All applications must be submitted online through the Results Verification System. There are links to application resources on the Western Center's Competitive Grants Program page as well as within the RVS system, to help guide you through the application process.

This announcement seeks applications from eligible organizations with a demonstrated capacity to develop and deliver results/outcome-based risk management education and training programs for agricultural producers and their families. All organizations serving agricultural producers, especially those serving the special emphasis audiences identified on page 3 of the RFA, are strongly encouraged to apply. The Western Center serves Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the U.S. affiliated Pacific Islands.

An applicant webinar will be conducted on Thursday, Oct. 6, at 10 AM PDT. No pre-registration is required and there is no fee to participate. Simply join the Adobe Connect Pro meeting room at 10 minutes prior to the webinar start time. You will be presented with a login screen that has the option to “Enter as Guest." Enter your full name, then click EnterRoom” to join the conference. You will be able to hear the audio directly from your computer's speakers.

Proposals are due by 5 PM, PST, Thursday, Nov. 17, 2016.

Questions or comments regarding the RFA may be directed to Jo Ann Warner, (509) 477-2168, or Shannon Neibergs, (509) 335-6360,

For more funding opportunities, subscribe to the ANR Contracts & Grants Updates blog // and check their funding opportunities calendar.

Posted on Wednesday, September 21, 2016 at 10:58 AM
Tags: grants (24), September 2016 (13)

Vice Provost of Cooperative Extension position recruitment underway

ANR Human Resources has begun recruitment for the Vice Provost of Cooperative Extension position. The position description is posted at

Chris Greer, who has served as vice provost of Cooperative Extension since June 2014, announced Aug. 22 that he will be leaving administration to return to the field.

Please share the recruitment announcement with anyone you think may be interested in applying for the position. The deadline to apply for Vice Provost of Cooperative Extension is Oct. 14, 2016.

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 2:10 PM

Tools available to center the distracted brain

You're working on an important task to complete by day's end, then:

  • A reminder email pops up requesting you respond to a scheduling inquiry.
  • As you look at your calendar to respond to the email, a co-worker walks by and asks, "Aren't you joining us for the meeting?"
  • You rush to gather your pen and notepad and walk briskly to the meeting.
  • When you return from the meeting you settle into your task.
  • Then you read a few texts: one from your spouse reminding you to stop by the grocery store and another from a couple of friends about meeting after work to plan for a fishing trip.
  • Your respond to several more emails.
  • When you check the time you see there is only 40 minutes to rush through your task before you need to leave.

Is this scenario familiar?

ANR Learning and Development has resources to train the brain to focus. If you'd like to understand the scattered brain so you can transform it, review the following video and blog:

The Perfect 15-Minute Day (3 minutes; YouTube video)

Less-is-more blog (website)

The video and blog are produced by Pierre Khawand, founder and principal of People-OnTheGo. His best-selling “Accomplishing more in less time, less effort, and less stress” workshop enables business professionals to better cope with information overload and competing priorities. He has published “The Accomplishing More with Less Workbook,” “Accomplishing More With Google Apps,” and “The Results Curve: How to manage focused and collaborative time!”

From Scattered to Centered (47 minutes; YouTube video)

"Modern life is making all of us a little scattered and feeling anything but centered." says psychiatrist Alicia Ruelaz Maher. “I have been fascinated to watch symptoms that were hallmarks of ADHD now showing up in just about everyone. And this is because the way we are currently using technology is actually changing the ways our brains function and this is generally in a direction that causes us to be less calm and effective."

For training resources on Time and Project Management go to the ANR Learning and Development webpage: Results Orientation and Execution.

Posted on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at 11:04 AM

Comments sought on proposed international activities policy

UC Office of the President invites comments on a proposed International Activities Policy

The policy is new and supersedes the 2005 Guidelines for the Establishment of Foreign Affiliate Organizations and Foreign Operations. The International Activities Policy sets forth the underlying principles that should govern activities conducted by UC faculty, students, and staff at foreign sites and in furtherance of UC's global engagement. It also outlines the issues to consider when engaging in such activities and the approval authority levels for international activity proposals.

The draft proposed policy is located on the UCOP Academic Personnel and Programs website, “Policies under review,” under the “Systemwide Review” tab at

Please send your comments to Robin Sanchez at no later than Dec. 12, 2016.

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 4:37 PM

New disability insurance options for 2017 offer greater financial peace of mind

Time away from work for a pregnancy, illness or unexpected injury could mean months without a paycheck. While UC's basic employer-paid disability insurance offers some protection – a benefit capped at $800 per month for six months – it probably won't be enough to cover your expenses. 

For a modest monthly premium, UC's Voluntary Disability Insurance replaces much more of your income – 60 percent of your eligible pay up to $15,000 per month – for increased financial security when you need it most.

UC is changing its voluntary disability insurance options to give all eligible employees — those currently covered and those not enrolled — new options for protecting their finances. For 2017, you can choose Voluntary Short-Term Disability (benefits up to six months), Long-Term Disability (benefits after six months, up to your Social Security retirement age) or both, depending on your needs and budget. Since you pay premiums with after-tax dollars, income from Voluntary Disability Insurance is generally not taxable.

If you are not enrolled in Supplemental Disability Insurance

If you've never thought about disability insurance, this is the year to take a look. During Open Enrollment, you cannot be denied coverage due to an existing medical condition. Later, you'll need a statement of health to qualify.

UC has also expanded eligibility to all employees eligible for full, mid-level or core benefits, so this may be your first opportunity to enroll.

If you are already enrolled in Supplemental Disability Insurance

To ensure continuing protection, those who are currently enrolled in Supplemental Disability and don't take action during Open Enrollment will be automatically enrolled in both Short- and Long-Term Voluntary Disability Insurance. This change will affect your premium costs, though, so take the time to choose the coverage you need. You can reduce or discontinue coverage at any time.

Learn more

You'll get more information, including a tool to help you estimate your monthly premiums, during Open Enrollment. But you don't have to wait to learn about your new choices for Voluntary Disability Insurance. For details — and for more information about why disability coverage is important — visit UCnet's 2017 Disability Insurance page. At the website, a video explains disability options and an overview of what's changing, why this opportunity is important for employees, and how to enroll.

Posted on Monday, September 19, 2016 at 4:14 PM

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