ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Apply to develop online educational resources for underserved audiences

All UC ANR and UC ANR-affiliated academics and staff are invited to apply for funding to develop online resources targeting underserved audiences.

Extending UC ANR's reach and impact to significant numbers of non-English speaking audiences in California is key to achieving our vision of effecting positive change in important areas or issue(s). Reaching audiences through on-demand, online resources is one part of the strategy. 

Funding is available to develop educational materials in languages other than English and make them accessible through the UC ANR website. Please consider development of a range of material forms including, but not limited to, courses, video, or other media.

All products must be branded UC ANR and hosted on the UC ANR website with linkages to other sites and resources.

Proposals of up to $25,000 will be considered. Multiple awards will be made. Please note that equipment purchases may not be included in budget requests.

Proposal submission process

To begin the submission process, log into the ANR portal. Go to “open systems” on the right menu and click on the link to “Develop Online Educational Resources Targeted at Underserved Audiences.”

Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. Pacific time on Jan. 28, 2019.

Strategic Initiative Leaders and the Strategic Initiative Panels will evaluate proposals. If additional expertise is needed, ad-hoc reviewers may be solicited. The following criteria will be used to determine funding decisions.

Proposal Criteria

Format. Proposals will be no more than 3 pages in length, minimum font size is 10-point and the minimum margin is 0.75 inches.

Proposals must include the following:

• Justification. What is the issue or important area addressed and who is the intended audience?

• Output. Give a brief description of the product to be developed and the method used to develop the product (e.g., will you include contracted services?). How will you ensure products are culturally relevant and applicable? Show how products will be delivered through UC ANR and how appropriate UC ANR branding will be assured?

• Expected Reach and Impact. What is the extent of the proposed reach and what behavior change(s) are expected? Which UC ANR Public Value Statements and Condition Changes will be positively impacted? How will some form of impact be assessed?

• Audience Access and Promotion. Clearly articulate the plan to promote the product so that it will be discoverable and adopted? What is the evidence that the targeted audience will access the product through the targeted medium?

• Team Capacity. Is there strong evidence that the PI and team can develop the intended product, on time and in budget? Is the appropriate expertise available within the team or as a contracted service?

• Budget. Is there clear need for the requested budget? Does a contractor (internal or external to UC ANR) provide estimates for any contracted services? Note: equipment purchases are not allowed in budget requests. You may submit your budget as a separate document if necessary.


All UC ANR and UC ANR-affiliated academics and staff are eligible to apply for funding.


• Submissions due by Jan. 28, 2019, 5 p.m. Pacific time

• Successful applicants notified by Feb. 22, 2019

• Products completed and funds expended by Jan. 10, 2020

• Final reports (1 page) due by Feb. 28, 2020

Note on the funding source: The funds for this initiative come from those budgeted to further the impact of our Strategic Plan goals.

If you have questions about the application process, contact Jennifer Caron-Sale at (510) 987-0214 or

Posted on Tuesday, December 18, 2018 at 1:45 PM
Tags: December 2018 (18), diversity (21), Grants (24)

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