ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Governor releases budget proposal for 2022-23

Governor Gavin Newsom presented his proposed state budget on Jan.10, 2022 in Sacramento.

Governor Newsom released on January 10 his budget proposal for FY 22/23. Under the plan, UC would see a 5 percent budget increase over each of the next five fiscal years, allowing the University to increase enrollment, boost resources to help underrepresented groups achieve academic success, and expand college access and affordability for struggling students and families across the state. However, Governor Newsom proposes to hold UC ANR's budget flat, after restoring the budget to pre-COVID levels last year, increasing it by 5% and adding $32 million in ongoing funding.

Other highlights of Newsom's spending plan for UC include:

  • $185 million in one-time funding for research and innovation to combat climate change, including the creation of new climate-focused innovation hubs, workforce development for climate-focused careers, and seed grants that will attract matching funds to accelerate projects that foster resilience and mitigate the environmental impacts of climate change.
  • $100 million in one-time funding for energy-efficiency projects across UC campuses and critical deferred maintenance.

“We look forward to working with the governor and the legislature as they finalize the budget, and we appreciate Governor Newsom's significant investments in UC that will help improve the lives of all Californians,” said Anne Megaro, director of government and community relations.

Posted on Thursday, January 27, 2022 at 2:57 PM
Tags: budget (34), January 2022 (11)

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