ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

4-H & Families

Employee comments sought on copyright ownership policy

The University invites comments on proposed modifications to the Presidential Policy on Copyright Ownership, which updates the 1992 Copyright Policy. Given the significant copyright landscape changes over the years, it has become clear that the time for a policy update is now. Aside from streamlining the language, the policy also includes updates in the following areas:

  • Expands eligibility to own copyrights. The definition of “Academic Authors” in the revised policy expands the pool of those eligible to own copyright.
  • Expands and clarifies the pool of works eligible for copyright ownership. The policy provides a definition of “Scholarly & Aesthetic Works” – a definition that does not exist in the existing policy. It also clarifies that software is a work for which eligible employees may own the copyright.
  • Creates a definition for “Significant University Resources” as a limitation on the University's ownership. The current policy has a broad definition of “University Resources,” which directs, in some instances, that the University asserts copyright ownership when the University's resources contributed to the development of the copyright work. The revised policy now includes a key limitation such that the level of University resources must be “significant” and beyond the support provided to similarly situated authors.
  • Clarifies graduate student copyright ownership. The revised policy provides clarity regarding copyright ownership by graduate students of their theses, dissertations and other copyrightable works. 
  • Clarifies copyright ownership for represented employees. The revised policy specifically states that if an inconsistency exists between a union employee's collective bargaining agreement regarding copyright ownership and the revised policy, the copyright provisions of the union agreement prevail.
  • Expands supplemental references. The revised policy expands the “Related Information” and “Revision History” sections to reference additional resources and other supplemental information.

The policy proposal is posted here:

If you have any questions or if you wish to comment, please contact Robin Sanchez at, no later than Dec. 15,  2019.

Posted on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 5:51 PM
Tags: copyright (5), policy (77), September 2019 (19)

UC Disability Survey Launches Oct. 7

UC embraces diversity in the workplace and is committed to providing a supportive environment for all faculty, staff and students. This October, as we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month, we ask all of UC's faculty and staff to help assess UC's efforts at becoming a more inclusive community by completing a voluntary one-question survey about their disability status. The survey will be open from Oct. 7 through Nov. 15, 2019.

On Monday, Oct. 7, UC faculty and staff will receive an email from the sender UC Disability Survey ( with a secure link to the voluntary survey. Faculty and staff without an email address on file will receive a paper survey by mail. UC has hired Willis Towers Watson to administer the survey on its behalf, and all information collected in the survey will remain confidential. More information about UC's privacy policy is available.

As a recipient of federal funds, the University of California and other Federal government contractors are required to invite employees to self-identify their disability status every five (5) years. Although your participation is completely voluntary, we encourage you to take a minute to complete the one-question survey as soon as you receive it. UC will use the data collected to measure our employment practices and recruitment efforts, and the quality of our data depends on the participation of as many faculty and staff as possible.

UC provides reasonable accommodation to employees who are disabled or become disabled and need assistance to perform the essential functions of their positions. If you need accommodations, please reach out to the disability manager at your location. For more information, see the Staff policy on reasonable accommodations or the Reasonable accommodation policy for academic appointees.


Posted on Monday, September 23, 2019 at 8:31 AM

EFNEP celebrates 50 years in Riverside and San Bernardino counties

From left, Connie Costello, Roxana Puentes, Chutima Ganthavorn, Connie Lexion, Christine Davidson, Dalila Lizarraga, Marilynn Ljungberg, Sasha Henderson, Debbie Lopez, Myriam Acevedo and Clara Wilshire.

The Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program team that serves Riverside and San Bernardino counties recently hosted a lunch to celebrate the 50th anniversary of EFNEP

Chutima Ganthavorn, UCCE nutrition, family and consumer sciences advisor for Riverside and San Bernardino counties; Christine Davidson, EFNEP program supervisor for Riverside and San Bernardino counties; Dalila Lizarraga, EFNEP community education specialist in San Bernardino County; Marilynn Ljungberg, EFNEP community education specialist San Bernardino County; Sasha Henderson, EFNEP community education specialist San Bernardino County, Myriam Acevedo, EFNEP community education specialist in Riverside County, Clara Wilshire, EFNEP community education specialist in San Bernardino County; and Roxana Puentes, EFNEP community education specialist in San Bernardino County, participated.

The EFNEP team was joined by Dee Denton, Master Food Preserver coordinator, and Maggie O'Neill, Master Gardener coordinator in San Bernardino County. EFNEP retirees Connie Lexion, Connie Costello and Debbie Lopez also attended.

Lexion (formerly Connie Garrett) was a nutrition, family and consumer sciences advisor from 1970 to 2006. Lexion keeps in touch with many former team members and gave an update on those she met with at a luncheon in April.

Costello started working for UC in 1981 and was part of EFNEP and UC CalFresh from 2012 to 2017 serving as the EFNEP/UC CalFresh Program supervisor in Riverside and San Bernardino counties.

For 15 years, Lopez was part of UCCE, supporting the EFNEP youth program and 4-H from 1971 to 1986.

The group shared stories and talked about how the program has changed over the years.

EFNEP started in 1969 with the goal of addressing concerns about nutrition and physical activity behaviors of low-income families, focusing on families with young children. It has since grown to reach 200,000 adults and 450,000 youth in every state, U.S. territory and the District of Columbia.


Posted on Friday, September 20, 2019 at 12:02 PM
  • Author: Christine Davidson
Tags: EFNEP (2), September 2019 (19)

Need help with an environmental project? Submit a proposal to EPM

UC Davis graduate students are looking to collaborate on environmental policy and management-related projects.

The UC Davis Master of Science in Environmental Policy and Management (EPM) program seeks external partners for synthetic, action-oriented, collaborative group projects. Projects will provide knowledge synthesis and analysis from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Advanced students in the program will work with selected clients over six months (January-June 2020) to produce substantive and relevant work products, overseen by program faculty. 

Projects will ideally feature emerging environmental issues clear application to applied policy or management; a need for synthesis and interdisciplinary perspectives.

Please see the EPM website for additional information and examples of past projects. To submit a project for consideration, please fill out the Project Proposal Form.

For more opportunities to connect with students and access student support, visit the Learning and Development page and look for “Connecting within UC and UC ANR.”

Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 12:17 PM

UC's new retirement website has launched

UC has launched UC Retirement At Your Service (UCRAYS) — a new retirement website that will give UC faculty, staff and retirees greater access and more ways to view and manage their retirement information. This new website will eventually replace At Your Service Online (AYSO) after all UC locations have transitioned to UCPath for our 130,000 active faculty and staff members and more than 77,000 retirement benefit recipients.

UCRAYS will offer access to:

  • account balance, contributions and service credit
  • beneficiary designations and updates
  • retiree benefit and tax statements
  • retiree tax withholdings
  • contact information

What you need to know about UCRAYS

Because UCRAYS includes new, advanced security features, you will need to register and create a new password to get started. During this transition, faculty, staff and retirees will continue to have access to At Your Service Online (AYSO) for features not yet available in UCRAYS. If you need help signing into UCRAYS for the first time, check out these FAQs or log in to AYSO for a step-by-step video for tips.

In the coming months, additional functionality and tools will be added to UCRAYS, including retirement estimates (which continue to be available on AYSO). We are committed to ensuring that UCRAYS provides the improved access to information, security and user-friendly features our faculty, staff and retirees need and deserve.

Posted on Tuesday, September 17, 2019 at 10:19 AM
Tags: retirement (24), September 2019 (19)

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