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University of California
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Workgroup Information

Landscape and Urban Horticulture

Summary Coordinate statewide research and education programs addressing issues such as water conservation, water quality, plant materials, management, and environmental quality.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Christopher Shogren (Co-Chair)
Unit: Los Angeles County
Name Joanna Solins (Co-Chair)
Phone (916) 875-2409
Unit: Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
Membership List
AES Scientist
Fujino, Dave Dean's Office CA&ES (UCD)
  Director, California Center for Urban Horticulture; Co-Director, UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance
Lieth, Johann Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Emeritus, Crop Ecologist-AES, CE Crop Ecologist Crop ecology, systems analysis, greenhouse environment control systems, mathematical modeling, floriculture, ornamental and nursery crop production, computer programming, biomathematics, automatic drip irrigation, systems analysis.
CE Advisor
Blakey, Dustin Inyo-Mono Counties
  County Director / Farm Advisor
de la Fuente, Maria Monterey County
  Farm Advisor & Master Gardener Advisor Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties Mushrooms, compost, specialty vegetables, nursery crops, plant pathology and soil microbiology. Urban Horticulture and Master Composter Program UCCE Santa Clara.
Downer, Arthur Ventura County
  Environmental Horticulture/Plant Pathology Advisor Emeritus Pathology of landscape ornamentals , Phytophthora Root Rot, Mulches, Potting soils, Palm horticulture, climate ready trees, arboriculture, Master Gardener Advisor.
Hartin, Janet Los Angeles County
  Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor Environmental horticulture, urban greening, climate-ready trees, "Trees for Tomorrow" arboriculture, irrigation needs of landscape plants
Hodel, Donald Los Angeles County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Selection & management of palms and other woody ornamentals in the landscape
Kabashima, John Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Ornamental horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests, water runoff, water quality
Lacan, Igor San Mateo-San Francisco Counties
  Interim County Director; Bay Area Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry Advisor Urban Forestry
Nobua-Behrmann, Beatriz Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor
Reid, Karrie UC Davis Plant Sciences
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor
Shogren, Christopher Los Angeles County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Horticulture, nursery crops, pest management, exotic and invasive pests
Solins, Joanna Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Urban green infrastructure
Spinelli, Gerardo San Diego County
  Production Horticulture Advisor Nurseries and Floriculture
Swain, Steven Marin County
  Environmental Horticulture Advisor Woody plants and their pests and diseases, integrated pest management, water use and conservation, defensible space for fire
Wilen, Cheryl Orange County - UC Cooperative Extension
  Area Integrated Pest Management Advisor - Emeritus Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for ornamental plant production and maintenance including nurseries, greenhouses, field production, floriculture, turf and landscape, pesticide reduction and alternatives. Research specialty in weed management, snails & slugs.
CE Specialist
Becker, Jorn Nematology Department
  Distinguished Professor of Cooperative Extension in Nematology & Distinguished Nematologist Integrated pest management of plant-parasitic nematodes
Merhaut, Donald Botany & Plant Sciences
  Extension Specialist for Nursery and Floriculture Crops Plant Nutrition, Woody Ornamentals, Floriculture, Blueberry Production
Oki, Lorence Department of Plant Sciences
  Specialist in CE, Environmental Horticulture Irrigation and runoff management in urban landscapes and nurseries; effect of water quality (salinity) on plant growth; evaluating ornamental plants for use in landscape horticulture; introduction of plants for environmental horticulture. Additional unit
Ploeg, Antoon Nematology Department
  Nematology Specialist Management of plant-parasitic nematodes in field and vegetable crops.
Other ANR
Berry, Alison Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Biologist-AES Emerita Assessment of nitrogen fixing plants, root and root nodule development, management of woody landscape plants, mistletoe control, biofuels
Dreistadt, Steve Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Principal Editor IPM, ornamentals, landscape, biological control
Farrar, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Director, Statewide IPM Program IPM, integrated pest management, plant pathology, vegetable diseases, fungi
Gable, Missy UC Master Gardener Program
  Director Horticulture
Windbiel, Karey Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  Associate Director for Urban & Community IPM/ Area Urban IPM Advisor Integrated Pest Management
Membership Totals
Number of Members25
ANR Members25
Info Only0
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