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Workgroup Information

Livestock Production Systems

Summary This workgroup will include the following broad topic areas: animal health, animal well-being (welfare), animal productivity, and production systems analysis (both computer based and diagnostic). This workgroup is expected to operate within the Livestock, Range, and Natural Resources Continuing Conference.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name James Oltjen (Chair)
Phone (530) 752-5650
Unit: Animal Science
Location: Animal Science
One Shields Avenue
Davis, 95616-8521
Membership List
Munson, Jordan
AES Scientist
ALY, SHARIF Veterinary Medicine Teaching & Research Center
  PROFESSOR-SFT-VM Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ANGELOS, JOHN School of Veterinary Medicine
  Professor Livestock diseases; infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis (IBK; pinkeye); One Health in food safety and security
Augenstein, Sheyenne UC Davis
  Research Assistant Beef Cattle
Coon, Rachel UC Davis
  Research Assistant Beef Cattle
  ASST AGRON AES-AY Applied ethics, policy and governance, livestock and the environment, social dimensions of climate change, animal welfare, regional economic development
Depenbrock, Sarah
  Large Animal Internal Medicine - Livestock focus
Hackmann, Timothy
  Assistant Professor ruminant nutrition and rumen microbiology
Heller, Meera
  Assoc Prof of Clinical Livestock Medicine and Surgery "Innate immunity, infectious disease of ruminants, with special interest in small ruminant diseases, vector borne diseases and zoonotic diseases"
Horback, Kristina Animal Science
  Associate Professor, Applied Ethology animal behavior, animal welfare, comparative cognition
Klopatek, Sarah
Liu, Yanhong Animal Science
  Assistant Professor Applied monogastric animal (swine and poultry) nutrition and health
(info only) MacLachlan, Jim School of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis
  AES Professor, Pathology Pathology/Virology
McNabb, Bret
Moody, Carly
  Assistant Professor of Animal Welfare Epidemiology I use a combination of applied ethology and epidemiology research methods to study animal welfare.
Murillo, Amy Entomology (UCR)
  Assistant Professor veterinary entomology, poultry pests, ectoparasites, mites, lice, flies
Pandey, Pramod Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Professor & Specialist - AES and CE split (50/50) Microbial waste management, microbial water quality, rendering, pesticide residues in water and sediment
Sainz, Roberto Animal Science
  Professor Ruminant nutrition; growth and body composition; nutritional energetics; modeling.
Stott, Jeffrey Pathology, Microbiology & Immunology
  Professor of Microbiology   Immunology Developmental cellular innumology, mucosal immunology
Todgham, Anne Animal Science
  Associate Professor Environmental Physiology & Stress Physiology of Aquatic Species
Tucker, Cassandra Animal Science
  Professor Animal welfare, animal behavior, effects of housing, management and environmental conditions on cattle
Vahmani, Payam
  Assistant Professor "Animal nutrition, nutritional enhancement of animal sourced foods, beef, dairy."
Weidner, W Neurobiology, Physiology & Behavior
  Professor   Physiologist-AES Cardiopulmonary physiology, patho-physiology of pulmonary edema, local regulation of bloodflow
Yang, Crystal Animal Science
  Assistant Professor
(info only) Zinn, Richard Animal Science
  Professor Ruminant nutrition; feedlot cattle nutrition and management; factors associated with digestive function.
CE Advisor
Audoin, Flavie Amador County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
Barry, Sheila Santa Clara County
  County Director/ Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, San Francisco Bay Area Rangeland Ecology and Management, Beef Cattle Production, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management,
Becchetti, Theresa Stanislaus County
  Farm Advisor Livestock and Natural Resources, San Joaquin and Stanislaus Counties
Davy, Josh Tehama County
  Livestock, Range, and Natural Resources Advisor / County Director Livestock, Range and Irrigated Pasture
Doran, Morgan Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  UC Cooperative Extension Advisor for Livestock and Natural Resources Livestock, beef cattle, sheep, nutrition, range management, irrigated pastures, grazing systems, ranch water quality.
Finzel, Julie Kern County
  Farm Advisor Animal Science and Rangeland Ecology and Management
Forero, Larry Shasta County
  Emeritus: County Director Livestock and Natural resources
Harper, John Mendocino County
  Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor - Emeritus Sheep & goat production, range cattle production, rangeland, watershed, water quality, computer applications.
Larsen, Royce San Luis Obispo County
  Area Natural Resource/Watershed Advisor Water Quality and Non-point Source Pollution on Rangelands. Also, other natural resource issues including: Rangeland Improvements, Noxious Invasive Weeds, Wildland Fires, Grassland Restoration and Endangered Species.
Larson, Stephanie Sonoma County
  County Director and Livestock Range Management Advisor Sheep management and production, fiber production, rangeland and natural resource management, water quality
Latack, Brooke Imperial County
  Livestock Advisor
Lile, David Lassen County
  County Director Livestock / Natural Resources
Lobo, Ramiro San Diego County
  Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops
Macon, Daniel Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland livestock production, economics, and management
Mashiri, Fadzayi Mariposa County
  County Director Mariposa, Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Mariposa, Merced Counties Rangeland Ecology and Management, Management of Natural Resources, Livestock Management, Weed Management, Grazing Management, Ecosystem Services
Oneto, Scott Central Sierra Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Agriculture, master gardener program, rangeland management, weed science
Ozeran, Rebecca Fresno County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
Rao, Devii San Benito County
  San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor Rangeland Ecology and Management, Rangeland Conservation, Grazing Management, Conservation of Biological Diversity, Watershed Protection and Management.
Schohr, Tracy Plumas Sierra
  Livestock & Natural Resource Advisor Research and extension in the region focused on irrigated pasture, invasive species, mountain meadows, water quality and business management. Catastrophic fires in her counties have also lead to an evolving program on urban fire implications to natural resources, disaster preparedness and shelter management.
Shapero, Matthew Santa Barbara County
  Livestock and Range Advisor The Livestock & Range program provides locally based extension, education, and applied research focused primarily on the interactions of livestock production systems with rangeland ecosystems, including wildlife habitat, invasive plants, wildland fire, prescribed fire, soil health, and watershed health. It aims to serve the needs of agricultural producers and land managers, to increase production efficiency, and to promote ecologically and economically viable agricultural operations.
Snell, Laura Modoc County
  County Director and Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor Livestock & Natural Resources
Stackhouse, Jeffery Humboldt County Office
  Livestock and Natural Resource Advisor
Woodmansee, Grace Siskiyou County
  Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor
CE Specialist
Atim, Jackie Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Specialist in Abiotic Stress Abiotic Stress- Sorghum
(info only) Atwill, Edward Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Director, Veterinary Medicine Extension Waterborne zoonotic disease, best management practices , microbial food safety, epidemiology
Baldwin, Roger Wildlife, Fish & Conservation Biology
  Cooperative Extension Specialist: Human-Wildlife Conflict Resolution Wildlife Damage and Pest Management
Busch, Roselle Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Sheep and Goat Veterinary Medicine Extension Specialist Sheep and Goat Herd Health and Production
Carvalho, Pedro Animal Science
  Assistant CE Specialist in Feedlot Management Ruminant nutrition; feedlot cattle nutrition and management.
Gerry, Alec Entomology (UCR)
  Professor and Cooperative Extension Specialist in Veterinary Entomology Veterinary Entomology
Gross, Jackson Animal Science
  Cooperative Extension Specialist
Harris, Linda J Food Science & Technology
  Professor of Cooperative Extension Microbial food safety throughout the food chain with a focus on the microbiology of fresh fruits and vegetables and tree nuts.
Maier, Gabriele School of Veterinary Medicine
  DVM, MPVM, DACVPM, PhD Beef Cattle Herd Health & Production
Mitloehner, Frank Animal Science
  Professor and CE Specialist Livestock systems air quality; quantification and mitigation of Ag air pollutants
Okello, Emmanuel Population Health & Reproduction
  Assistant Specialist in CE Antimicrobial Stewardship
Oltjen, James Animal Science
  CE Specialist Computer decision support software; beef quality assurance; standardized performance analysis for cattle and sheep ranches. Animal management systems; resource use in animal agriculture; beef cattle growth.
Pires, Alda Population Health & Reproduction
  Associate Specialist in Cooperative Extension & Associate Agronomist in AES Urban Agriculture and Food Safety, Veterinary Epidemiology,
Pitesky, Maurice Veterinary Medicine Extension
  Associate Specialist Poultry Health and Food Safety Epidemiology
Tate, Tina Agricultural & Resource Economics
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Livestock and Rangeland Economics
Tate, Kenneth Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor and Russell L. Rustici Rangeland Watershed Science Specialist in Cooperative Extension rangeland management, livestock grazing, water quality, riparian areas, restoration, soil health
Van Eenennaam, Alison Animal Science
  CE Specialist Animal Biotechnology and Genomics Animal genomics, biotechnology, beef cattle, genetic engineering, animal breeding
Other ANR
Beck, Jacalyn
  Academic Programs Manager
Chen, Jennifer Animal Science, UCD
  Research Assistant Beef Cattle Behavior
Denicol, Anna Animal Science
  Assistant Professor Reproductive and developmental biology. Paracrine and endocrine regulation of follicle and oocyte development and carry over effects of adverse environments during folliculogenesis on embryonic development. Biology of ovarian oocyte progenitor cells (oogo
Fisher, Marissa Department of Animal Science
  Animal Resource Supervisor Beef Cattle Management and Research
Flavell, Dustin Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  SFREC Center Director
Nielsen, Tyler John UC Davis Animal Science
  Assistant Beef Manager Beef Cattle
Raubach, Casey
Roche, Leslie Department of Plant Sciences
  Cooperative Extension Specialist Rangeland Management
Sanchez, Jaime Animal Science, UCD
  Principle Animal Technician Beef Cattle, Fairs, Sheep
Sehnert, Dan Animal Science Department
  Facilities Manager
Smith, Alison
  Animal Health Technician Small Ruminants, Wildlife Ecology
Tipton, Clinton Sierra Foothill Research & Extension Center
  Beef Cattle Research Assistant
Trotter, Vince Marin County
  Sustainable Ag Coordinator & Agricultural Ombudsman
Werth, Samantha Animal Science, UCD
  Research Assistant Beef Cattle Management, Environmental Effects of Animal Agriculture
Chao, Michael Animal Science, CSU-Chico
  Assistant Professor Meat Science, Food Safety and Processing, ddaley
De Grassi, Ria California Farm Bureau
  Director, National Affairs Cattle Production/Legislative Affairs
DeAtley, Kasey
Keela, Retallick Cal Poly
User, Unverified
Munson, Jordan UC Davis Animal Science
Perry, Randy Animal Science Dept., CSU-Chico
  Professor Beef Cattle Production
Sehnert, Caleb UC Davis
  Research Assistant Meats
Other UC
Fisher, Marissa UC Davis
  Animal Resource Manager
Hayes, Matthew UC Davis
  Sheep Barn Manager
Lehenbauer, Terry
  Professor Emeritus Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases
Rupchis, Benjamin UC Davis
  Goat Barn Manager
Sopocy, Shelby UC Davis
  Swine Barn Manager
Vickers, Danny UC Davis
  Principle Animal Technician
Membership Totals
Number of Members94
ANR Members85
Info Only3
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