ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

More than 100 CE positions proposed

Review is beginning for the 109 Cooperative Extension advisor and specialist positions submitted in response to ANR’s 2012 supplemental call for academic positions. Of those proposed, 52 are advisor positions and 57 are specialist positions. The positions remain posted on the publicly accessible site We encourage all ANR stakeholders as well as employees to offer comments and provide input. The system will remain open to collect comments on the positions until Aug. 7.

Program team leaders, county and multicounty partnership (MCP) directors and executive associate deans will evaluate the proposals and provide feedback and prioritization for Program Council’s consideration.

The program team leaders will review all position proposals (advisors and specialists) that are related to the programmatic coverage of their respective teams. MCP and county directors will review advisor positions associated with their geographic coverage and each executive associate dean will review the specialist positions that are proposed for his or her college or school.

Reviewers are being asked to consider the general description of the position, justification for the position, the issues it addresses, the role this position will play in strengthening or building the ANR continuum, the support that will be provided and the proposed location for the position.

Reviews are scheduled to conclude on Aug. 7 and Program Council will have their initial discussion of all feedback and prioritizations during their Sept. 4–5 meeting. In the late fall, VP Allen-Diaz will announce the positions approved for recruitment.

Executive Working Group

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This announcement is also posted and archived on the ANR Update pages.


Posted on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 at 10:42 AM

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