The authors wish to thank the following for assistance in this research: Keith W.
Bowers, L. Todd Browne, Arthur S. Greathead, James J. Kissler, Donald A. Luvisi, Vincent
H. Schweers, William S. Seyman, Robert W. Sheuerman and Norman C. Welch, Farm Advisors
in Napa, Fresno, Monterey, San Joaquin, Kern, Tulare, Santa Clara, Merced, and Santa
Cruz counties, respectively; T. Hales and Lloyd M. Harwood, formerly Farm Advisors
in Orange and Sonoma counties, respectively; Pat Hoffmann, formerly Laboratory Assistant,
UC, Davis; Norman O. Jones, SRA, Department of Nematology, UC, Davis; Richard E. Pelton,
SRA, Cooperative Extension; and Ronald E. Voss, Extension Vegetable Specialist.
The authors wish to acknowledge partial financial support from the Kearney Foundation
of Soil Science.