Jim D. Cucuzza, University of California
Mary Ann Sall, University of California
Publication Information
California Agriculture
Published March 01, 1982
Author Affiliations show
Jim D. Cucuzza is a Post-graduate Research Plant Pathologist, University of California, Davis; Mary Ann Sall is Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis.
Dormant or spring chemical applications controlled phomopsis
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Author notes
This research was made possible in part by grants from the California Table Grape Commission and the California Raisin Advisory Board and by the cooperation of James Petersen, Lodi, California. The suggestions and assistance of James Kissler and George Leavitt, U.C. Cooperative Extension, are most gratefully acknowledged.
Cucuzza J, Ann Sall M. 1982. Chemical control of phomopsis grapevine cane and leaf spot disease.
Calif Agr 36(2):6-8.
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