The authors thank Walter Bentley, Daniel Cahn, Darryl Castro, Lonnie Hendricks, Clif
Kitayma, D. Lee, Wilbur Rell, Barry Wilk, and Frank Zalom for information. William
W. Barnett, Area Specialist, UC/IPM, Fresno County, and Robert Curtis, Almond Board
of California, provided valuable advice. This project has been supported in part by
funds from the Almond Board of California; UC/IPM Project; Experiment Station Project
3522-H; Western Regional Project-84; and the California Department of Food and Agriculture.
Information on the integrated mite management program is available in UC/IPM Publ.
1, 1984, “Managing Mites in Almonds, An Integrated Approach,” from the Integrated
Pest Management Implementation Group, University of California, Davis, CA 95616.