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Calag Archive

August 1977
Volume 31, Number 8

Peer-reviewed research and review articles

CUF 101, a new variety of alfalfa is resistant to the blue alfalfa aphid
by William F. Lehman, Mervin W. Nielson, Vern L. Marble, Ernest H. Stanford
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In the first year of testing, CUF 101, whose parentage is about 80 percent UC Cargo, showed as good or better forage production as other varieties, and multiple resistance to insects and diseases.
A new, resistant variety of alfalfa was quickly developed once the blue alfalfa aphid was recognized as a pest
Program Review: Research seeks new ways to combat mosquitoes
by Edmond C. Loomis, Russell E. Fontaine, Robert M. Boardman
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Researchers are integrating a variety of approaches to develop mosquito control technology that is effective, practical, environmentally safe, and economical. Even mosquito genetics is being probed as a possible control.
Working with 63 mosquito control agencies throughout the state, University of California researchers have completed three major mosquito control projects:
Russet crack disease of sweet potatoes
by Robert N. Campbell, Robert W. Scheuerman, Dennis H. Hall
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Russet-crack symptoms in Jersey sweet potatoes appear to be caused by a strain of the sweet-potato feathery-mottle virus which can be aphid-transmitted, and which can be harbored in other sweet potato cultivars. Plants infected with feathery-mottle virus are protected from infection by the russet-crack agent.
Russet crack disease of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) was first reported in New Jersey in 1961 and it was suggested a virus might be the cause. Soon after, the disease was in California; probably it had been imported with propagative roots from the east coast. The present paper reports studies done at the University of California at Davis and in Merced County, California, to clarify the cause of russet crack and its method of transmission.
Wheat and barley response to nitrogen
by Y. Paul Puri, Kenneth G. Baghott, John D. Prato
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With both flood and sprinkler irrigation, 80 to 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre was generally the most efficient application rate in Tulelake trials. Anza wheat and Wocus 71 barley showed the highest mean yields.
Wheat and barley are important crops to the Tulelake Basin and other intermountain valleys of northern California. Both bread wheats and durum wheats are grown. Barley is used for malting and as a feed grain. The yields of barley and wheat vary widely from field to field and from year to year, ranging from 2000 to 7000 pounds per acre. These fluctuations are attributed to climatic and soil factors, and to the cultural practices followed.
Research Review: Antibiotic injections control pear decline disease
by James A. Beutel, William J. Moller, Forrest D. Cress
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UC researchers have developed methods of controlling pear decline through transfusions of a tetracycline. Orchard fruit production is double that obtained before treatment of infected orchards.
After more than a decade of devastating orchard losses to pear decline, the disease is now under effective control.
Sunlight and temperature effects on corn growth and yield
by William G. Duncan, Donald L. Shaver, William A. Williams
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Grain yields were highest at the highest sunlight levels and daylight temperatures and second-lowest night temperatures; yields at each location were positively correlated with planting rate.
Grain yields of corn in the United States differ considerably between one area and another even when soil fertility and moisture supply are considered near-optimal. Reason for such variation are difficult to evaluate because direct comparisons are confused by difference in sunlight amount, temprature, photoperiod, and variety.
Four new shipping freestone peaches for California
by Claron O. Hesse
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Four new, highly colored freestone shipping peaches have been propagated at the Kearney Horticultural Field Station; propagating material is available from the Foundation Plant Materials Service.
Firered, Redcal, Kearney, and Calred are four new freestone shipping peaches introduced by the University of California in 1977. All are highly colored clones, ripening in the above named sequence from about August 1 to August 25, as shown in the table. Their pedigrees are given in figure 1.
Flue dusts as zinc fertilizers
by A. Lloyd Brown, Richard G. Burau, David R. Giger
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Some materials from the stacks of industrial plants could be used as micronutrient fertilizers if they are analyzed completely so that hazardous elements can be identified and kept to a minimum.
As pollution control becomes more and more important, many industrial plants must collect particulate matter from their stacks which would otherwise be distributed over the nearby landscape. Some of these materials, with or without further treatment, are being sold or potentially could be sold as micronutrient fertilizers, especially zinc fertilizer. The efficacy of these materials in comparison to zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), which is the most common zinc (Zn) fertilizer at the present time, was investigated.
Ethephon has mixed effects on table grapes
by Fred Jensen, Harry Andris
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Ethephon treatment showed either increased color or higher soluble solids in two Cardinal trials, but no benefit in one Ribier trial.
The growth regulator ethephon (Ethrel) has been shown to improve coloring of the table grape varieties, Red Malaga, Queen, Tokay, and Emperor if applied after some of the berries have begun to show color. Preliminary trials with Cardinals showed slight color benefits, of dubious commercial significance. Trials with Ribier have never shown benefit. More detailed trials were established at the Kearney Horticultural Field Station near Parlier in Fresno County during the 1976 season.
Corn tops sorghum in comparison trials
by Thomas E. Kearney, Karl H. Ingebretsen, John D. Prato
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In three years of comparing corn to sorghum as a double crop, corn showed advantages in yield, overwintering, planting time and length of growing season, and harvesting.
Grain sorghum has been grown as the second crop in double crop systems in California agriculture for years. Its use has been marginally profitable, especially in occasional years with early, wet falls. Growers interested in greater profits began investigating the possibility of substituting early maturing corn varieties for grain production in place of sorghum. When grown as a full season crop, corn usually shows a yield advantage over grain sorghum. These comparisons by growers indicated that corn did have a potential yield advantage over sorghum as a double crop and also showed the ability to overwinter when early autumn rains made fall harvests impossible.

News and opinion

A new era—but a continuing challenge
by J. B. Kendrick
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August 1977
Volume 31, Number 8

Peer-reviewed research and review articles

CUF 101, a new variety of alfalfa is resistant to the blue alfalfa aphid
by William F. Lehman, Mervin W. Nielson, Vern L. Marble, Ernest H. Stanford
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In the first year of testing, CUF 101, whose parentage is about 80 percent UC Cargo, showed as good or better forage production as other varieties, and multiple resistance to insects and diseases.
A new, resistant variety of alfalfa was quickly developed once the blue alfalfa aphid was recognized as a pest
Program Review: Research seeks new ways to combat mosquitoes
by Edmond C. Loomis, Russell E. Fontaine, Robert M. Boardman
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Researchers are integrating a variety of approaches to develop mosquito control technology that is effective, practical, environmentally safe, and economical. Even mosquito genetics is being probed as a possible control.
Working with 63 mosquito control agencies throughout the state, University of California researchers have completed three major mosquito control projects:
Russet crack disease of sweet potatoes
by Robert N. Campbell, Robert W. Scheuerman, Dennis H. Hall
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Russet-crack symptoms in Jersey sweet potatoes appear to be caused by a strain of the sweet-potato feathery-mottle virus which can be aphid-transmitted, and which can be harbored in other sweet potato cultivars. Plants infected with feathery-mottle virus are protected from infection by the russet-crack agent.
Russet crack disease of sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) was first reported in New Jersey in 1961 and it was suggested a virus might be the cause. Soon after, the disease was in California; probably it had been imported with propagative roots from the east coast. The present paper reports studies done at the University of California at Davis and in Merced County, California, to clarify the cause of russet crack and its method of transmission.
Wheat and barley response to nitrogen
by Y. Paul Puri, Kenneth G. Baghott, John D. Prato
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With both flood and sprinkler irrigation, 80 to 120 pounds of nitrogen per acre was generally the most efficient application rate in Tulelake trials. Anza wheat and Wocus 71 barley showed the highest mean yields.
Wheat and barley are important crops to the Tulelake Basin and other intermountain valleys of northern California. Both bread wheats and durum wheats are grown. Barley is used for malting and as a feed grain. The yields of barley and wheat vary widely from field to field and from year to year, ranging from 2000 to 7000 pounds per acre. These fluctuations are attributed to climatic and soil factors, and to the cultural practices followed.
Research Review: Antibiotic injections control pear decline disease
by James A. Beutel, William J. Moller, Forrest D. Cress
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UC researchers have developed methods of controlling pear decline through transfusions of a tetracycline. Orchard fruit production is double that obtained before treatment of infected orchards.
After more than a decade of devastating orchard losses to pear decline, the disease is now under effective control.
Sunlight and temperature effects on corn growth and yield
by William G. Duncan, Donald L. Shaver, William A. Williams
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Grain yields were highest at the highest sunlight levels and daylight temperatures and second-lowest night temperatures; yields at each location were positively correlated with planting rate.
Grain yields of corn in the United States differ considerably between one area and another even when soil fertility and moisture supply are considered near-optimal. Reason for such variation are difficult to evaluate because direct comparisons are confused by difference in sunlight amount, temprature, photoperiod, and variety.
Four new shipping freestone peaches for California
by Claron O. Hesse
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Four new, highly colored freestone shipping peaches have been propagated at the Kearney Horticultural Field Station; propagating material is available from the Foundation Plant Materials Service.
Firered, Redcal, Kearney, and Calred are four new freestone shipping peaches introduced by the University of California in 1977. All are highly colored clones, ripening in the above named sequence from about August 1 to August 25, as shown in the table. Their pedigrees are given in figure 1.
Flue dusts as zinc fertilizers
by A. Lloyd Brown, Richard G. Burau, David R. Giger
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Some materials from the stacks of industrial plants could be used as micronutrient fertilizers if they are analyzed completely so that hazardous elements can be identified and kept to a minimum.
As pollution control becomes more and more important, many industrial plants must collect particulate matter from their stacks which would otherwise be distributed over the nearby landscape. Some of these materials, with or without further treatment, are being sold or potentially could be sold as micronutrient fertilizers, especially zinc fertilizer. The efficacy of these materials in comparison to zinc sulfate (ZnSO4), which is the most common zinc (Zn) fertilizer at the present time, was investigated.
Ethephon has mixed effects on table grapes
by Fred Jensen, Harry Andris
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Ethephon treatment showed either increased color or higher soluble solids in two Cardinal trials, but no benefit in one Ribier trial.
The growth regulator ethephon (Ethrel) has been shown to improve coloring of the table grape varieties, Red Malaga, Queen, Tokay, and Emperor if applied after some of the berries have begun to show color. Preliminary trials with Cardinals showed slight color benefits, of dubious commercial significance. Trials with Ribier have never shown benefit. More detailed trials were established at the Kearney Horticultural Field Station near Parlier in Fresno County during the 1976 season.
Corn tops sorghum in comparison trials
by Thomas E. Kearney, Karl H. Ingebretsen, John D. Prato
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In three years of comparing corn to sorghum as a double crop, corn showed advantages in yield, overwintering, planting time and length of growing season, and harvesting.
Grain sorghum has been grown as the second crop in double crop systems in California agriculture for years. Its use has been marginally profitable, especially in occasional years with early, wet falls. Growers interested in greater profits began investigating the possibility of substituting early maturing corn varieties for grain production in place of sorghum. When grown as a full season crop, corn usually shows a yield advantage over grain sorghum. These comparisons by growers indicated that corn did have a potential yield advantage over sorghum as a double crop and also showed the ability to overwinter when early autumn rains made fall harvests impossible.

News and opinion

A new era—but a continuing challenge
by J. B. Kendrick
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