Calag Archive
Calag Archive
UC scientists team up to fight sudden oak death
UC Berkeley's Center for the Assessment and Monitoring of Forest and Envrionmental Resources (CAMFER) has developed a Web site featuring maps and aerial images of areas with high tree mortality due to sudden oak death (SOD). The public and various agencies can check these maps and send in new information. Shown is an aerial image of China Camp State Park in eastern Marin County, where oak mortality is extensive. The crowns of dead and drying trees appear gray; healthy vegetation appears red, and roads and trails are light blue. The image was acquired using an Airborne Data Acquisition and Registration (ADAR) sensor, which digitally captures refelcted light in visible and near infared at 1-meter ground resolution. See p. 15.
January-February 2001
Volume 55, Number 1
Volume 55, Number 1