University of California
The California Garden Web
Growing Berries in Your Backyard
Growing Berries in Your Backyard | Blackberries | Raspberries | Strawberries | Blueberries
How should I care for my blueberry plants?
It will take at least three years for a blueberry plant to become established and healthy. Remove all blossoms as they appear in the first 1-2 years. Prune off any diseased and damaged wood during the first dormant season. After their second year, blueberries should be pruned annually. Blueberry plants have a naturally bushy form, but the number of branches should be limited to the age of the plant, up to a maximum of 6 to 8 branches for old bushes. Yearly remove 1-2 branches so that no branches are over 4-6 years old. Prune out suckers and weak wood, especially from the top of the plant.
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