It is best to purchase certified disease-free plants from a nursery. Although it is easy to propagate your own berry plants from canes, plants derived from another garden could introduce unwanted diseases into your planting. Blackberry shoot tips may root in soil in the fall. Below are the important trailing and erect blackberry cultivars in California and their fruiting characteristics.
Trailing Blackberries
- Boysen. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries very large, deep maroon, soft, excellent distinct flavor; thorny, but thornless types available; tolerates heat.
- Kotata. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries large, glossy black, firm, good flavor; thorny, vigorous, productive; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Logan. Early; berries medium, long, dark red, soft, excellent, unique flavor; thornless type available; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Marion. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries large, bright black, firm, excellent flavor; thorny, productive; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Ollalie. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries medium to large, bright black, firm, good flavor; vigorous, productive; tolerates heat.
- Silvan. Early to midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries large, black; medium firm, excellent flavor; thorny, very productive; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
Erect Blackberries
- Black Satin. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries large, shiny black fruit, tart flavor; thornless, hardy, vigorous; good for processing; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Cherokee. Midseason (first pick mid-June to mid-July); berries medium large, black, firm; vigorous; thorny, tolerates heat.
- Cheyenne. Early; berries very large, firm, attractive; vigorous, moderately thorny, hardy, tolerates heat.
- Chester. Late; berries large, round, deep black, tart flavor; canes thornless, very vigorous, and productive; good processing berry; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Darrow. Vigorous, hardy, productive; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Hull Thornless. Midseason to late; berries large, firm, good sweet flavor; thornless, vigorous, productive; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.
- Shawnee. Midseason; long fruiting season; berries very large, shiny black, medium firm; vigorous, thorny, very productive, tolerates heat.
- Triple Crown. Late season (Aug/Sept) very largeblack fruit; semi-erect canes; fruit may burn in hot summer areas.