UC IPM videos on YouTube

Nov 22, 2013

Do you know how to check your hotel room for bed bugs before you settle in for the night? Can you tell the difference between yellowjackets, paper wasps, and other common wasps? What's in that bottle of pesticide you are thinking of using on your plants? New videos from UC IPM can help answer these questions!


Adult western yellowjacket

Thanks in part to funding from the Western IPM Center, the UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program has recently created a series of short, 2-3 minutes videos to help you identify, monitor, manage or prevent some pests from becoming problems around your home and garden! 

Find out how to use a bed bug detector and inspect your bedroom or hotel room for bed bugs. Protect yourself from mosquito bites and West Nile virus by eliminating mosquito-breeding sites around your yard. Watch how you can hose aphids off plants instead of spraying pesticides. Discover the difference between yellowjackets and other wasps and find out how to find, trap, and treat yellowjackets around your yard or property.


Adult mosquito

You can also learn about common garden spiders and how to catch them or clean up webs. Are snails and slugs eating your plants? Learn how to recognize whether plant damage was caused by snails or insects with similar feeding habits, and how to trap snails or apply baits. If ants have invaded your home, find out why they are there, how to get rid of them, and how to prevent future infestations.

Watch all our videos by visiting UC IPM's YouTube channel or by going to the video library page on the UC IPM web site, where you can find these as well as other videos covering pests and related topics.



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