Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
Solution Center for Nutrient Management
University of California
Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Nutrient Management Research Database

General Information

Research Title

Nitrogen Requirements of Drip-irrigated Processing Tomatoes

Research Specifications

Crop: Tomato
Soil Type: Clay
County, State: Yolo, California
Year: 1998


Hartz, T.K & Bottoms, T.G.

Summary/Abstract from Original Source

As growers of processing tomato adopt Drip, plant vigor and fruit yield typically increase, suggesting a need for re-evaluation of established nitrogen fertilization practices. Trials were conducted in California in 2007-2008 to evaluate growth and nitrogen uptake dynamics of drip-irrigated processing tomatoes across nitrogen fertigation regimes ranging from deficient to excessive. Whole plants were collected at 2-week intervals for determination of biomass and nitrogen content, recently matured whole leaves for total nitrogen and petioles. Additionally, six commercial fields were sampled at 3 to 4 week intervals to document nitrogen uptake and crop nitrogen status under conditions representative of the industry. A seasonal nitrogen rate of approximated 200 kg per hectare appeared adequate to maximize fruit yields across the range of field conditions encountered. The four highest-yielding fields (143 mg per hectare mean fresh fruit mass) averaged 14 mg per hectare of above-ground biomass with fruit representing 62%; these fields averaged 296 kg per hectare biomass nitrogen, of which 71% was in the fruit. The rate of biomass development and nitrogen uptake peaked during the period between early fruit setting and early red fruit development (a period of approximately 6 weeks) during which nitrogen uptake averaged 4 to 5 kg per hectare per day. Leaf nitrogen concentration was highly correlated with whole plant nitrogen and provided a reliable indicator of plant nitrogen sufficiency throughout the season. Petiole samples did not reliably discriminate between crops with adequate or deficiency nitrogen availability.

Research Highlights

Design and Methods

  • Three seasonal nitrogen applications rates were tested in 2007 and 2008.
  • Nitrogen was applied pre-plant and then by weekly fertigations through the buried drip system.
  • Low, medium, and high nitrogen regimes were tested to achieve deficient, fruit maximizing, and excessive nitrogen fertilization.
  • On average, 103, 210, and 326 kg per hectare of nitrogen was applied for the three regimes.
  • Tissue samples were taken to determine the effect of the nitrogen on yield, biomass development, and nitrogen uptake.


  • 200 kg per hectare of nitrogen was sufficient to maximize yields across all field conditions.
  • Biomass development and nitrogen uptake peaked during early fruit set and early red fruit development, an approximate 6 week period.

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