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Citizen Science App Study

Update: We will start a small test run (about 50 people) on Friday, May 10 to make sure the app and our procedures are working smoothly. Please check your email inbox for updates. 

Attention Backyard Chicken Owners and Game Fowl Breeders!

The Cooperative Extension Poultry Lab at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine is looking for study participants. Our study focuses on the development and evaluation of a new mobile app for backyard chicken owners and game fowl breeders. The goal is to examine the app's effectiveness as an extension and communication tool within the poultry community.


Eligibility: Participants in our research study must be backyard chicken owners of 13 years of age or older and/or game fowl breeders of 18 years of age or older and live in the US.

Here's what you can expect in the app:

  • Engaging Education Modules: Access to comprehensive training materials covering various aspects of chicken husbandry.
  • Surveys & Feedback: We value your thoughts and experiences! Your valuable input will help shape future advancements in poultry extension.

Study Timeline: The main study will span over 2 weeks, providing ample time for you to immerse yourself in the educational modules, complete surveys, and witness your expertise grow. A 3-month follow-up survey will be administered to track progress. 

Study Timeline

Phase 1

Day 1: 

  1. Onboarding Survey (1 min)
  2. Current Practices Survey (8 mins)
  3. Watch 6 Videos (9 mins total)

Phase 2

Day 15: 

  1. Post-module Surveys (10 mins total)
  2. Module Feedback (1 min)
  3. User Experience (2 min)

Phase 3

Day 105 (approximately 3 months after Phase 2): 

  1. Follow-up Survey
  2. Debrief Form

Participants will be given a two-week timeframe to complete the activities in each phase.

Compensation: Participants in the study will be compensated commensurate with their level of participation, ensuring fair remuneration for their time, effort, and contribution to the research endeavor. Participants who complete the entire study will receive a $25 digital Amazon gift card via email. Those who do not finish the entire study will be compensated based on their level of participation.

Dr. Maurice Pitesky and his lab staff appreciate your consideration. Should you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact Maurice Pitesky at drcluck@ucdavis.edu.

To ensure you receive notifications and stay informed about the study's launch, please complete this pre-registration form if you're interested in participating. Once the study is ready to commence, you'll be notified via email. Your pre-registration will be immensely valuable in facilitating the setup of this study.

Please complete the pre-registration form now and share it with your friends! The survey link is: https://ucdavis.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_baBlvgrWkLwgZ7g

We sincerely appreciate your interest in participating and look forward to your involvement.