California Backyard Poultry Census


Survey based and anecdotal observations demonstrate that backyard poultry ownership is increasing nationally and in California. At the same time, California’s ability to provide resources to backyard poultry owners is limited. In addition, there are no effective ways to communicate with backyard poultry owners in a coordinated fashion. To address these issues, the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine and Cooperative Extension have made a short geo-survey (~2minutes) designed for the backyard poultry community. Results will help further clarify the location and number of backyard poultry farms in California. Furthermore, email addresses and other address information will help facilitate communication between poultry experts and backyard poultry enthusiasts. An example on the value of bridging the communication gap is being able to notify backyard poultry owners of an Avian Influenza outbreak. This will be extremely helpful in preventing another large outbreak. For this reason, we sincerely hope you consider participating in this survey.

Note: As veterinarians at UC Davis our interest is in working with Backyard poultry and their owners to improve poultry health.  The data in this survey is strictly for outreach purposes.  We want to work with you.  We are a university not a regulatory agency and therefore our focus is on outreach and education and not regulation and enforcement. 
Participate in our survey by following one of our links below:

English Version

Versión en Español

Census Map