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Education & Training

Online Training

While we can't replace time spent in the field, you can learn the basics about invasive shothole borers with our ISHB eXtension Training! First time users will be asked to create a free account. 

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Recordings of Online Webinars/Workshops

Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback 2024 Symposium

With the recently confirmed ISHB infestation in San Jose (Santa Clara County) as background, this July 18, 2024 webinar explored the ongoing spread of this tree-killing pest-disease complex in California as well as Best Management Practices to control it. Presentations included: Overview of pest-disease complex including biology and host by Randall Oliver, Statewide ISHB Communications Coordinator, UC Statewide Integrated Management Program; Current distribution and threat map by Dr. Shannon Lynch, Assistant Professor, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology; Management – Best practices by Dr. Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE); Arborist/industry perspective by Kelly Parkins, Plant Health Care Coordinator, West Coast Arborists, Inc.; Disneyland case study by Rhonda Wood, Former Urban Forester, Disneyland Resort; Roundtable discussion on the leading edge – What’s happening in San Jose, Santa Barbara, and the Inland Empire by Sara Davis, City Forester, City of San Jose; Drew Raymond, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Santa Clara County Division of Agriculture; Dr. Igor Lacan, Interim County Director; Bay Area Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry Advisor, Cooperative Extension San Mateo-San Francisco Counties; Stephanie Stark, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Santa Barbara County; and Jocelyn Perez, Forest Ecologist, Inland Empire Resource Conservation District; Hope for the Future – Endophytes and Biocontrol by Dr. Shannon Lynch, Assistant Professor, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology; Dr. Akif Eskalen, Professor of Extension in Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis; and Dr. Paul Rugman-Jones, Associate Project Scientist, Entomology Department, University of California, Riverside.

Questions that were not answered live were answered in the online Q&A. Those Questions & Answers can be downloaded for viewing HERE!

Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback 2023 Symposium

This is a recording of the April 13, 2023 Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback Symposium. Designed for land managers, arborists, and other professionals whose work includes tree health and/or pest management (as well as anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of the Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback pest-disease complex). This online webinar took a deep dive into the current distribution, impacts and risks, best practices in control and management, and practical examples of successful management approaches. Topics/Speakers included: Just the basics and where to learn more - Randall Oliver, Statewide ISHB Communications Coordinator, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management; Program Status of ISHB – Where is It Now? - Hannah Vasilis, ISHB Survey and Trapping Coordinator, UC Statewide Integrated Pest Management Program; New perspectives on Best Management Practices – Dr. Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE); Update on Alternative Controls and Risk Map – Dr. Shannon Lynch, Assistant Professor of Forest Pathology, Department of Environmental Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, and Dr. Akif Eskalen, Professor of Extension in Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis; CDFA, ISCC, CISAC and ISHB - David Pegos, Special Assistant Plant Division, California Department of Food & Agriculture; Case study – CAL FIRE’s Urban and Community Forestry Program - Henry Herrera, Forester, CAL FIRE; Case Study – A Tribal Land Experience - Marissa Hernandez, Environmental Technician, Santa Ynez Chumash Environmental Office; A City’s Perspective – City of Lakewood – Tim Hunt, Tree and Hardscape Supervisor, City of Lakewood; Case study – UC Irvine Shothole Borers Management and Reforestation - Matt Deines, Principal Planner – Campus Planning & Sustainability; Case study – Restoration at Big Canyon - Alys Arenas, Restoration Manager, Newport Bay Conservancy; Case study – Replanting at the Disneyland Resort - Rhonda Wood, Urban Forester, Disneyland Resort


Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback 2022 Symposium

Day 1 of the Invasive Shothole Borers - Fusarium Dieback 2022 Symposium featured the following presentations: Overview of the beetle and pest-disease complex; An IPM Approach to ISHB; An Industry Perspective on ISHB Management; Case Study: Disneyland Resort – A Model for Integrated Pest Management; Case Study: On the Front Lines Battling ISHB; and Replanting and Restoration following Tree Removals.

Day 2 of the Invasive Shothole Borers 2022 Symposium included the following presentations: Early Detection and Rapid Response; Los Angeles County’s Experience in Responding to ISHB-FD; Environmental and Monetary Costs of ISHB; Endophytes as a Control for Fusarium; Biocontrol for ISHB; and ISHB Education and Outreach. 

UCCE Fall 2020 Emerging Tree Pests Webinar Series

  1. Invasive Shothole Borers: Dr. Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann - UC Cooperative Extension-Orange County, 10/20/2020
  2. Escarabajos Invasores (Spanish language Invasive Shothole Borers): Dr. Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann - UC Cooperative Extension-Orange County, 10/27/2020

UC Ag Experts Talk

What's in Your Orchard: Protecting California From Invasive Species: Dr. Mark Hoddle, UC, Riverside, 9/9/2020

Invasive Shothole Borers in Avocado: Dr. Akif Eskalen, UC Davis, 5/20/2020

UCCE Invasive Species Lunchtime Talks

Can participatory science help to monitor invasive shothole borers? Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, 6/10/2021

What's killing California's trees? Shot hole borers, palm weevils and the restBeatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, 6/4/2019

Shothole borers and other threats to California’s trees: Chair: Dr. Beatriz E. Nobua-Behrmann, UC Cooperative Extension, Orange County; Speakers: Dr. Jodi Axelson, Cooperative Extension Specialist - Forest Health, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, UC Berkeley and Kevin Turner, Southern California Invasive Pest Coordinator, California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, 6/5/2018

UC ANR Southern California ISHB Zoom Workshops for Landscapers

English language, Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, 3/29/2021

Spanish language, Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, UC Cooperative Extension, 3/31/2021

In Person Trainings
Event Name Date