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2024 Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback Symposium

Galleries within ISHB infested castor bean. Source: Akif Eskalen, UCANR
Galleries within ISHB infested castor bean. Source: Akif Eskalen, UCANR

July 18, 2024      8:00 am to 12:15 pm


Invasive shothole borers (ISHB) are beetles that tunnel into trees and introduce a fungal disease (Fusarium dieback) that can cause tree death. Well established in many areas of Southern California and the Central Coast, the beetle-disease complex has killed thousands of trees. It continues to spread, threatening the integrity of California’s urban and riparian forests. 

Designed for land managers, arborists, and other professionals whose work includes tree health and/or pest management (as well as anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of the pest-disease complex), the 2024 Invasive Shothole Borers-Fusarium Dieback Symposium will take a deep dive into the current distribution, impacts and risks, best practices in control and management, and practical examples of successful management approaches. 

Proposed Agenda:

Overview of pest-disease complex including biology and host

  • Randall Oliver, Statewide ISHB Communications Coordinator, UC Statewide Integrated Management Program

Current distribution and threat map

  • Dr. Shannon Lynch, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology

Management – Best practices

  • Dr. Beatriz Nobua-Behrmann, Urban Forestry and Natural Resources Advisor, University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE)

Arborist/industry perspective

  • Kelly Parkins, Plant Health Care Coordinator, West Coast Arborists, Inc.

Disneyland case study

  • Rhonda Wood, Former Urban Forester, Disneyland Resort

Roundtable discussion on the leading edge – What’s happening in San Jose, Santa Barbara, Inland Empire

  • Sara Davis, City Forester, City of San Jose
  • Dr. Igor Lacan, Interim County Director; Bay Area Environmental Horticulture and Urban Forestry Advisor, Cooperative Extension San Mateo-San Francisco Counties
  • Stephanie Stark, Deputy Agricultural Commissioner, Santa Barbara County
  • Jocelyn Perez, Forest Ecologist, Inland Empire Resource Conservation District

Hope for the Future – Endophytes and Biocontrol

  • Dr. Shannon Lynch, UC Davis Department of Plant Pathology
  • Dr. Akif Eskalen, Professor of Extension in Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis
  • Paul Rugman-Jones, Associate Project Scientist, Entomology Department, University of California, Riverside

Register in advance at: 



For more information, contact Randall Oliver at rdoliver@ucanr.edu.