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Glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations used in the help pages:

Asset: “Asset” is a word in Web lingo that describes the very substance of a Web site. It is where the actual information is stored, such as research results, practical tips, event details, photos, articles, polls, surveys etc.

Drag and drop: Clicking and holding down the button while moving the mouse and releasing the button in a different spot.

Dropdown menu: A menu that opens when an arrow is clicked or the user hovers a mouse over a link.

File library: A collection of photos, pdfs, videos and other files that can be used on Site Builder 3.0 Web sites. The file library can be accessed on the top (green) navigation bar or in an inline file library editing pane found at the bottom of text box assets.

Left nav: The list of links on the left side of the page that is used to navigate through the Site Builder 3.0 program.

Metadata: Metadata is data about data. In Site Builder 3.0, users can write metadata about the information they are posting in order to more clearly inform search engine bots about what is on the page. Metadata may be added or edited in the page's properties pane.

Pane: The area usually surrounded by thin gray borders in Site Builder 3.0 where information - text, photos, files, etc. - can be input.

Parent-Child: A parent page is a Web page that isn’t a subpage of another page. The child is a subpage of a parent page. Each parent page can have any number of child pages. Child pages can also have subpages (grandchildren) and the family tree can be of infinite size. However, long strings of pages and subpages are not recommended.

SB3: Site Builder 3.0