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The Professional's Guide to Sustainable Landscaping

Resources to help you:

  • Use water conservatively
  • Build and maintain soil health
  • Eliminate non-storm run-off to storm drains
  • Use plants appropriate for their space, use, and climate
  • Minimize green waste to the landfill
  • Provide food and shelter for beneficial wildlife
  • Minimize chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the environment through INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT


Course for professional maintenance gardeners

GreenGardener-Logo Final 2014
Learn practices that will help you improve the health of landscapes, conserve natural resources, and provide a tool to market yourself as a Green Gardener!

For more information and training presentationbs visit: Green Gardener Northern California


This website is no longer being regularly maintained (due to retirement) and some links may be broken. Our apologies.



UCCE Master Gardeners of San Joaquin County

UC Delivers
  • Reduce pollution with proper fertilizer timing

    Applying nitrogen and phosphorus with irrigation water is a common practice in the Imperial Valley. If the fertilizers are applied incorrectly, the nutrients end up in the drains rather than in the crop. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the two main nutrients that cause eutrophic conditions (high algal biomass and low dissolved oxygen concentrations that cause massive fish kills) in the Salton Sea. Current and proposed federal water quality standards for California require growers to improve the quality of drainage waters. To achieve both federal and state water quality objectives, growers will have to reduce the amount of phosphorus that reaches the drains and the Salton Sea.