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Landscape Lush Blog
  • IMG 9368
    2022 Green Gardener Qualification Classes

    Practical Landscape Professional Education Since 2013 I have been offering an 8-week, 10-class course in best management practices (BMPs) for landscape professionals. The classes are targeted at the most practical knowledge needed to help gardeners...

    By Karrie Reid
    Author - Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor
  • honeybees find abundant nectar in the tubular flowers of Texas sage
    Bee Smart with Pesticide Applications

    The bees are out. I don't know if you've noticed, but they have actually been buzzing around since the first fruit trees blossomed in February. There has been a lot of press coverage about bees, especially about Colony Collapse Disorder and the critical...

    By Karrie Reid
    Author - Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor
  • fireblight
    Virtual Learning for Tree and Landscape Pros

    Fall 2020 Tree and Turf Continuing Education I just want to share some great virtual learning opportunities this fall, some beginning next week. Most of these events will be less expensive than their pre-COVID counterparts, but most have...

    By Karrie Reid
    Author - Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor
  • ARTS Rose trial plots at San Joaquin Co. Agricultural Center
    Learning to Love Natural Enemies

    One of the beautiful things about conducting "NO SPRAY" plant trials is seeing just how resilient landscapes can be if you give them a chance. We are all familiar with "helicopter parents", those fussy fearful folks who hover over their children to...

    By Karrie Reid
    Author - Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor
  • large tree with mulch
    The Landscape Below Ground Part II

    To Fertilize or Not to Fertilize One of the most interesting talks at the Landscape Below Ground Conference in Chicago in October was given by Daniel Herms of Davey Tree Company.  His lab looked at the effects of fertilizers, growth...

    By Karrie Reid
    Author - Retired Area Environmental Horticulture Advisor