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Mary Bianchi

Emeritus - Horticulture Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension San Luis Obispo County
2156 Sierra Way
Suite C
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
mlbianchi@ucanr.edu Create VCard

Also in:
Santa Barbara County


Gen'l Ag Science, Cal Poly SLO. 1984


Horticulture, pomology, subtropicals, water management and water quality. Horticulture in San Luis Obispo County and Northern Santa Barbara County.

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Bianchi, M. and K. Lowell, In Press. “Co.-management: Balancing Food Safety, the Environment, and the Bottom Line” Chapter 11. In: Food Safety Risks from Wildlife.  (Jay-Russell, M., & Doyle, M. P., eds) pgs 201-216. Springer International Publishing.

  • O'Geen, A. T.; Bianchi, M. L. (2014) Using Wetlands to Remove Pollutants from Farm Discharge Water (In Press). ANR Publications 8512 12 pp
  • Gold, A.J.; Parker, D., et al. (2013). "Advancing water resource management in agricultural, rural, and urbanizing watersheds: Why land-grant universities matter." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 68(4): 337-348.
  • Eskalen, A.; Faber, B., et al. (2013). "Spore Trapping and Pathogenicity of Fungi in the Botryosphaeriaceae and Diaporthaceae Associated with Avocado Branch Canker in California." Plant Disease 97(3): 4pp.
  • Lowell, K. and M. Bianchi. 2011. Food safety and surface water quality,  In Pesticide Mitigation Strategies for Surface Water Quality (KS. Goh, B.L. Bret, T.L. Potter and J. Gan, Eds). American Chemical Society, pgs. 351-372

  • Crohn, D.; Bianchi, M. (2008). "Research Priorities for Coordinating Management of Food Safety and Water Quality." Journal of Environmental Quality 37: 1411-1418.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Bianchi, M.L.; Ouwerkerk, B. (2014-2015). San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors - Drought Impacts to Agriculture Updates. November, January, March, May, July, and September: 2 pp.

  • Bianchi, M. (2014). Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Opportunities for Co-management. UC ANR Online Course.

  • Bianchi, M.L.; Battany, M., et al. (2014). "Drought Information Resources." 2014, from http://cesanluisobispo.ucanr.edu/Drought_Information/.
  • Bianchi, M.L.; Ouwerkerk, B. (2014). San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors - Drought Impacts to Agriculture Updates. March, May, August, and November. 2 pp.
  • Bianchi, M.L. (2014). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities, April to June.: 10 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L. (2014). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities, January to March.: 10 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L.; Lake, S. (2014). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities, July to September.: 11 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L.; Lake, S. (2014). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities,October to December: 11 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L., S. Lake (2014). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities, October - December.: 11 pp.

  • Battany, M.; Bianchi, M., et al. (2014). The 2014 Drought: Impacts on San Luis Obispo County Agriculture.: 19 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L.; Lake, S. (2013). 2013-2104 San Luis Obispo County Budget for UC Cooperative Extension. San Luis Obispo County. 7pp. January.
  • Bianchi, M.L. (2013). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities. July to September: 10 pp.

  • Bianchi, M.L. (2013). Santa Barbara County Cooperative Extension Quarterly Report of Activities. October to December: 10 pp.

  • Various, A. (2013) Topics in Subtropics (M.L. Bianchi editor). Topics in Subtropics 11, 9 pp
  • Bianchi, M.L.; Todd, N., et al. (2013). UC Master Gardeners - Diggin it in SLO. Daily Life for Master Gardeners. 2013 articles

  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Constructed Wetlands. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Cover Crops and Vegetative Barriers. 3pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012). Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Hedgerows. Univeristy of California Agiculture and Natural Resources. 2pp.
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Irrigation Ditches and Tailwater Systems. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Irrigation Water Storage. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Managing Animal Movement. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M.; Lowell, K (2012). Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Opportunities for Co-Management. Univeristy of California Agiculture and Natural Resources. 4 pp.
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Sediment Basins. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Soil Amendments. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Vegetated Practices for Wildlife.
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Vegetated Practices Near Streams.
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainability - Windbreaks and Wind Barriers. 2pp
  • Bianchi, M. (2012) Balancing Food Safety and Sustainbility - Vegetated Practices Adjacent to Fields. 2pp
  • Kleeman, T; Bianchi, M. (2012). Integrate Pest Management Continuing Education for Maintenance Gardeners. Final Report for DPR Grant No. 09-PML-G001. 8 pp.
  • Bianchi, M.L.; Oki, L.R. (2012). Public and Private Policies and Your Edible Landscaping. A Powerpoint Presentation for the California Master Gardener Edible Landscape Curriculum.
  • Bianchi, M.L.; Meyer, M., et al. (2012). UC ANR Master Gardener Statewide Program Review - Final Report. 10 pp. March.
  • N/A (2011). "Sample Costs to Establish a Medium-Density Olive Orchard and Proudce Bottled Olive Oil--North and Central Coasts."
  • N/A (2011). Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 9:9 pp. 2011. http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/newsletters/Topics_in_Subtropics39680.pdf
  • N/A (2010). Case Study on the Measure Q Initiative on Banning GMOs and the Process of Coexistence in San Luis Obispo County, CA. Food Distribution Resarch Society Meetings: Research Update. October.
  • N/A (2010). Potential crop system for disposal of tertiary effluent from Shandon treatment facilities. San Luis Obsipo County Planning Department. 2010.
  • N/A (2010). Soil Resources Chapter, Conservation and Open Space Element. November 10, 2010. http://www.slocounty.ca.gov/Assests/PL/Elements/COSE.pdf
  • N/A (2010). Using online surveys to "listen" for program evaluation. National Extension Master Gardener Coordinators Conference. Davis, CA. October.
  • Bianchi, M. L. (2009). "Agricultural Use Potential-Los Osos Wastewater Options."
  • N/A (2008). Attitudes and Actions on California's Central Coast: Evaluating Producer Reponses to Water Quality Education. USDA CSREES National Water Conference. Sparks, NV. 2008.
  • N/A (2008). Coordinated Management of Water Quality Management Practices and Food Safety Good Agricultural Practices. 2008 Annual Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Tucson, AZ.
  • N/A (2008). Farm Water Quality Planning. Final Report to the California Coastal Conservancy. Monterey, CA, Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Foundation. 2008.
  • N/A (2008). Farm Water Quality Planning Short Courses. Final Report for the Non-point Source Pollution Projects Projects Fund for Northern Monterey County. Monterey, CA, Community Foundation for Monterey County. #20040574. 2008.
  • N/A (2008). Resolving Conflicting Priorities Concerning Food Safety Issues in Leafy Green Vegetables. 23rd Vertebrate Pest Management Conference--Special Symposium Wildlife and Food Safety, San Diego, CA.
  • N/A (2008). Symposium D3: Coordinated Management of the Water Quality Protection and food Safety Practices in Cool Season Vegetable Production. USDA CSREES National Water Conference, Sparks, NV.
  • N/A (2007). Coordinated Management of Water Quality Management Practices and Food Safety Good Agricultural Practices. Outcomes and Results. 2007. http://groups.ucanr.org/wqfsconf/
  • N/A (2007). Coordinated Management of Water Quality Management Practices and Food Safety Good Agricultural Practices--Conference Outcomes and Results. 2007 National Agriculture and the Environment, Soquel, CA, Central Coast Ag Water Quality Coalition.
  • N/A (2007). Developing co-existence methods for genetically engineered conventional, and organic crops-San Luis Obispo County's experience. Plant and Soil Conference, California Chapter of ASA, Sacramento, CA.
  • N/A (2007). Farm Water Quality Planning. Final Report for the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Contract 98-289-15. San Luis Obispo, CA, Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board. 2007.
  • N/A (2006). Agriculture and Water Quality on California's Central Coast--A collaborative Approach. Southwest Hydrology. 5:5, 28-29. 2006. http://swhydro.arizona.edu/archive/V5_N5/feature8.pdf
  • N/A (2006). Effect of liquid insectivide baits on Argentine ants in California's coastal vineyards. Crop Protection. 25:6, 592-603. 2006.
  • N/A (2006). Your Views on Water Quality Management--A Survey of Agricultural Operations. San Luis Obispo County UC Cooperative Extension Publication. 2006.
  • N/A (2005). Ag Waivers. Topics in Subtropics. 3, 2 pp. 2005. http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/newsletterfiles/Topics_in_Subtropics7555.pdf
  • N/A (2005). "Imported parasitic wasp helps control red gum lerp psyllid." California Agriculture 59(4): 229-234.
  • Bianchi, M. L.; Jones, A., et al. (2004). Farm Water Quality Plan. ANR. 52 pp. 2004. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8332.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Developing a Nonpoint Source Pollution Evaluation Program. ANR. 4 pp. 2003. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8087.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Farm Maps--A Valuable Tool in Managing Your Farming Resources (Part 2 in Water Quality Series). Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 1-4. October. http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/newsletterfiles/Topics_in_Subtropics4328.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Management Goals and Recommended Practices:Practices for Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution from Irrigated Agriculture. ANR. 4 pp. 2003. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8075.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Priority Watersheds. ANR. 4 pp. 2003. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8074.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Production Quiz--A Challenge for Growers (Part I in Water Quality Series). Topics in Subtropics Newsletter. 1-3. July-September. http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/newsletterfiles/Topics_in_Subtropics3755.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Resource and Market Information for Enterprise Selection. Topics in Suptropics Newsletter. 1. January-March. http://cesanluisobispo.ucdavis.edu/newsletterfiles/Topics_in_Subtropics3304.pdf
  • N/A (2003). Water Pollution Control Legislation. ANR. 5 pp. 2003. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8088.pdf
  • N/A (2002). Abiotic and biotic pest refuges hamper biological control of meallybugs in California Vineyards. 1st International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods.
  • N/A (2002). Frost Dates and Other Temperatures for San Luis Obispo County. San Luis Obispo County Publication. May.
  • N/A (2002). Groundwater Protection Areas and Wellhead Protection Draft Regulations for California Agriculture. ANR. 5 pp. 2002. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8063.pdf
  • N/A (2002). Guide to Resource Management Records for Farms. ANR. 4 pp. 2002. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8054.pdf
  • N/A (2002). Identifying Your Farm Water Quality Goals. ANR. 3 pp. 2002. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8053.pdf
  • N/A (2002). Nonpoint Sources of Pollution in Irrigated Agriculture. ANR. 8 pp. 2002. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8055/pdf
  • N/A (2002). Suggested Fruit and Nut Varieties for San luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties Backyard Orchardists. San Luis Obispo County Publication. May.
  • N/A (2001). Making Fertilizer Decisions for Avocados. AvoNotes Newsletter. November.
  • N/A (2000). Vine Nitrogen Levels from Tissue Analysis. California Grower. 24:1, 14. 2000.
  • N/A (1999). Water Quality--Planning for the Future. Foothill Grape Day.
  • N/A (1998). Evaluation of Ammonium Carbonate Lures for Walnut Husk Fly Monitoring. Walnut Notes Newsletter. May.
  • N/A (1998). "Parasitoid Wasp Controls Blue Gum Psyllid." California Agriculture 54(1): 31-34.
  • N/A (1998). Pruning Grapevines. Grape Notes Newsletter. January.
  • N/A (1998). Seasonal Development and Control of Mealybugs in Central Coast Vineyards. 1998 Central Coast Winegrape Seminar.
  • N/A (1997). Deficit Irrigation Only for Healthy Vines. California Grower. 21:9, 13. 1997.
  • N/A (1997). Erosion hazard high for many new vineyards. California Grower. 21:8, 17. 1997.
  • N/A (1997). Evaluation of Deficit Irrigation on Chardonnay- Part II. Grape Notes Newsletter. May.
  • N/A (1997). How to Grow a Cover Crop for Erosion Control--Part 1 and 2. Paso Robles Vintners and Growers Association Newsletter. Augsut and September.
  • N/A (1997). Soil Amendments. March.
  • N/A (1997). Two Mealybug Species Feed on Central Coast Vineyards. California Grower. 21:2, 12. 1997.
  • N/A (1997). Yellow Starthistle Biology and Control. Grape Notes Newsletter. August.
  • N/A (1996). Alternatives to Chemical Weed Control in the Vine Row. December.
  • N/A (1996). Evaluation of Deficit Irrigation on Chardonnay--Part I. Grape Notes Newsletter. November.
  • N/A (1996). Persea Mites in San Luis Obispo County Avocado Groves. Avocado Notes Newsletter. May.
  • N/A (1996). Potassium Fertilization of Winegrapes. Grape Notes Newsletter. May.
  • N/A (1996). Production and Sample Costs to Establish a Vineyard and Produce Wine Grapes--Drip Irrigated Cabernet Sauvignon Variety. Paso Robles Region San Luis Obispo County. 22 pp. 1996. http://coststudies.ucdavis.edu/files/grapesslo.pdf
  • N/A (1996). Sample Costs to Establish a Vineyard and Proudce Wine Grapes--Drip Irrigated Chardonnay Variety. Santa Maria Valley Santa Barbara County. 21 pp. 1996.
  • N/A (1995). Experimenting on the Farm. Grape Notes Newsletter. December 1995.
  • N/A (1995). "The effects of harvest date on Thompson Seedless Grapes and Raisins: I. Fruit Composition, Characterstics, and Yield." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 46(1)
  • N/A (1995). "Wine Grapes in San Luis Obsipo County.": 4 pp.
  • N/A (1994). "Comparisons of Thompson Seedless Clones for Raisin Production." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 45(2): 15-154.
  • N/A (1994). "Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer Timing and Rate on Inorganic Nitrogen Status, Fruit Composition, and Yield of Grapevines." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 45(4): 377-387.
  • N/A (1994). "The effects of pruning level and Post-Budbreak Cane Adjustment on Thompson Seedless Raisin production and Quality." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 45(2): 141-149.
  • N/A (1991). "Potassium Fertilization of Thompson Seedless Grapevines using Two Fertilizer Sources." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 42(3): 227-232.
  • N/A (1990). "Comparative Leaf Tissue Analysis of Potassium Deficiency and a Disorder Resembling Potassium Deficiency in Thompson Seedless Grapevines." American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 41(1): 77-83.

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