2E. Relationship Building
Win-Win Negotiation Training
Speaker: Larry Thompson, Baker Communications
The key to a win-win approach is finding ways to help both sides feel successful, rather than just focusing on getting what we want. This approach helps to solidify long-term relationships and partnerships - both externally and within our own organization - and builds positive momentum for every future negotiation.
Our award-winning Win-Win Negotiations training helps individuals tap into their own strengths and experiences, hone their skills, and align around a proven framework - so you approach every negotiation with a plan, and with the confidence to achieve your goals. You'll learn and practice your new skills through multiple role plays and fun group activities.
- Boost confidence and maximize effectiveness in any scenario.
- Increase profits through well-planned collaboration and concession strategies.
- Shift from using tactics to planning, while reinforcing key corporate values.
- Focus upon interests and issues and avoid dangerous positions.
- Enhance communications by developing a common negotiation language.
- Build strong relationships with customers, partners, and colleagues.
Strategic Goal #1: Strengthen Research and Extension Partnerships
Planning Committee: Jodi Azulai