Partner Organizations

The Lake Tahoe Invasive Weeds Coordinating Group was formed in 2002, operating under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that is updated and renewed every five years.

Agencies and partners that are actively involved with the group include:

  • El Dorado County Department of Agriculture
  • Placer County Department of Agriculture
  • Douglas County Parks and Recreation Weed District
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit
  • Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
  • California Tahoe Conservancy
  • Nevada State Parks
  • Nevada Tahoe Conservation District
  • California Department of Parks and Recreation
  • University of California Cooperative Extension
  • University of Nevada Cooperative Extension
  • Tahoe Resources Conservation District
  • Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California
  • University of Nevada Master Gardeners
  • California Department of Food and Agriculture
  • Nevada Department of Agriculture
  • UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center
  • USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
  • Nevada Natural Heritage
  • Lahontan Regional Water Quality Board