Get Involved
Report a weed
How to report an invasive weed infestation to the appropriate agency.
Sign up for email alerts
Sign up to receive email notices of LTBWCG news and activities.
Events and workshops
Events for the public organized by the LTBWCG.
Sign Up for Email Alerts
Our automated email alert sign-up system is in the works. In the meantime, you can sign up for email alerts by sending an email to with the subject line "email alerts." Your email address will be added to our mailing list.
Our Privacy Policy
The Lake Tahoe Basin Weed Coordinating group will not sell, rent, or share your email address. You may unsubscribe by sending an email to with the subject line "unsubscribe". We will make every attempt to unsubscribe you in a timely manner, but be aware that a previously scheduled email alert may be sent before your unsubscription can be processed.