2021 Agenda

YouTube Playlist of all three days of recordings.

Monday, June 28


2:00 PM Business Meetings - agendas with login will shared with members via email.

W-AHS/W-CARET—Glenda Humiston
W-APS (Academic Programs)—Claus Tittiger
WAAESD—Mark McGuire
WEDA—Cody Stone

3:00 Opening Remarks and Welcome—Barbara Rasco, Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming

National Updates

Moderated by Barbara Rasco, Dean, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Wyoming

3:05 National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)—Carrie Castille, Director

3:20 Assn. of Public Land Grant Universities (APLU)—Doug Steele, Vice President, Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources

3:35 Appropriation and Legislative Updates—Hunt Shipman, Cornerstone Government Affairs, and Caron Gala, APLU

3:45 Q&A

4:00 Break

Awards Program

4:05 Awards Program moderated by Barbara Petty, Associate Dean of the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences and Director of University of Idaho Extension

5:00 Adjourn

Tuesday, June 29


Where are we going post-COVID?

2:00 PM   Introductions—Glenda Humiston, Vice President, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR)

Post-COVID Opportunities: Partnerships and Resources
Moderated by Glenda Humiston, Vice President, UC ANR 

2:05 Western Governor’s Association (WGA)—Jim Ogsbury, Executive Director

2:25 Council of State Governments-West (CSG-West)—Edgar Ruiz, Director, CSG-West, and Jackie Tinetti, Policy Committees & Programs Coordinator, CSG-West

2:45 Western Interstate Region-National Assn. of Counties (WIR-NACo)—Jonathan Shuffield, Associate Legislative Director for Public Lands and Liaison to the Western Interstate Region, NACo

3:05 Q&A

3:20 Break

3:30 What Are the Regional-Based Opportunities to Partner and Share Resources with WGA, CSG-West and WIR-NACo?
Introduction by Glenda Humiston, Vice President, UC ANR

Breakout Sessions by association and led by chairs: AHS/W-CARET, W-APS, WAAESD, WEDA

Potential discussion topics: 

  • Sharing resources between states
  • Adapting new remote opportunities
  • Resuming post-COVID
  • Generating resources creatively
  • Meeting needs of communities

4:30 Report Outsmoderated by Glenda Humiston, Vice President, UC ANR

5:00 Adjourn

Wednesday, June 30


How will we address access, equity and inclusion with focus on native peoples of our region

Moderated by: Steve Gavazzi, Professor, Human Development & Family Science, Ohio State University

2:00 PM Introduction—Steve Gavazzi, Professor, Human Development & Family Science, Ohio State University

2:10 Keynote Presentation
Overview of Wokini Initiative: How’s it working and how it’s changed? 
Barry Dunn, President, South Dakota State

What’s happening, progress made, and how we can effectively partner?
Moderated by: Steve Gavazzi, Professor, Human Development & Family Science, Ohio State University

3:00 Tracy Dougher, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Agriculture Montana State University

3:05 Ania Wieczorek, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs (Interim), College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources, University of Hawaii

3:10 Claus Tittiger, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs, College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources, University of Nevada, Reno

3:20 Break

What’s happening, progress made and how can 1862s assist the 1994s and FRTEP?
Moderated by John Phillips, Executive Director, FALCON

3:25 Virgil Dupuis, Extension Director, Salish Kootenai College

3:35 Staci Emm, Professor/Extension Educator, FRTEP, Cooperative Extension, University of Nevada

3:45 Alexandra Carlisle, Extension Educator, FRTEP, Navajo Nation, University of Arizona

3:55 Q&A

4:10 Group discussion moderated by Steve Gavazzi and John Phillips

5:00 Adjourn

Thursday, July 1, 2-5 PM

2-5 PM Business Meetings - agendas with login will shared with members via email.

W-APS (Academic Programs)—Claus Tittiger
WAAESD—Mark McGuire
WEDA—Cody Stone

3-5 PM Business Meeting

W-AHS/W-CARET—Barbara Rasco

Support for this event is provided by the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities' Academic Programs Section of the Board on Agriculture Assembly. APS works to assure that the development of human capital in agriculture, food, natural resources, and related areas is a preeminent concern of the Land-grant and state university system and its federal partners. APS accomplishes this by providing academic instruction and other programs that prepare society-ready graduates with the skills and competencies necessary to sustain and enhance the food, agriculture, and natural resource and life science systems needed by professionals and the society.