Dave Campbell

Specialist in Cooperative Extension Emeritus

1123 Parkwood Drive
Fort Collins, CA 80525
(530) 400-6664
dave.c.campbell@ucdavis.edu Create VCard


Ph.D. Political Science, University of Oregon. 1984


Community development research and outreach in areas of local policy implementation, social service networks, local and regional food systems, accountability, citizenship, and governance.

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Campbell, D.C. (2015). "Metis, craft, civic-mindedness: Essential attributes of democratic citizenship." Journal of the Community Development Society 46(3): 198-211.
  • Benjamin, L.; Campbell, D.C. (2015). "Nonprofit performance: Accounting for the co-determination work of frontline staff." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterl
  • Feenstra, Gail; Campbell, David (2014). Local and Regional Food Systems. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics.P. Thompson and D. Kaplan. Dordrecht: Springer. 1345-1352.
  • Hess, Dale; Campbell, David. (2014). "Turning Cobwebs into Walls: The Causal Attribution Journal as a Tool to Combat Mission Drift." Administrative Theory & Praxis 36(3): 312-331.
  • Campbell, D.; Carlisle-Cummings, L.; Feenstra, G. (2013). "Community food systems: Strengthening the research-to-practice continuum." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 3(3): 121-138.
  • Campbell, D.; Erbstein, N. (2012). "Engaging Youth in Community Change: Three Key Implementation Principles." Community Development 43(1): 63-79.
  • Campbell, D.; Trzesniewski, K.; Nathaniel, K.; Enfield, R.; Erbstein, N. (2012). "Positive Youth Development Merits State Investment." California Agriculture 67(1): 38-46.
  • Campbell, D. (2012). "Public Managers in Integrated Services Collaboratives: What Works is Workarounds." Public Administration Review 72(5): 721-730.
  • Campbell, D. (2011). "Policy Workaround Stories are Valuable Evaluative Indicators: But Should They Be Told?" American Journal of Evaluation 32(3): 408-417.
  • Campbell, D. (2011). "Reconsidering the Implementation Strategy in Faith-based Policy Initiatives." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 40: 130-148.
  • Campbell, D. (2010). "Democratic Norms to Deliberate Forms: Managing Tools and Tradeoffs in Community-based Civic Engagement." Public Administration and Management 15(1): 305-341.
  • Campbell, D.; Lamming, J.; Lemp, C.; Brosnahan, A.; Paterson, C.; Pusey, J. (2008). "Engaging Youth as Active Citizens: Lessons from Youth Workforce Development Programs." Journal of Evaluation 46(2): 2FEA5.
  • Campbell, D.; Lamming, J.; Lemp, C.; Brosnahan, A.; Paterson, C.; Pusey, J. (2008). "Evaluation Identifies Youth Public Work Initiatives as a Promising Workforce Development Strategy." California Agriculture 62(1): 40-46.
  • Campbell, D.; Glunt, E. (2006). "Assessing the Effectiveness of Faith-based Programs: A Local Network Perspective." Social Thought: Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work 25(3/4): 241-259.
  • Camarillo, G.; Campbell, D.; Dasher, S.; King, N.; Mann, M.; Sousa, C.; Steinbring, Y.; Willmarth, K. (2006). "Learning from Latino Community Efforts." Journal of Extension 44(3): 3FEA3.
  • Campbell, D.; Feenstra, G. (2005). Community Food Systems and the Work of Public Scholarship. Engaging Campus and Community: The Practice of Public Scholarship in the State and Land-Grant University System.S. Peters, N. Jordan, M. Ademek and T. Alter. Dayton, Ohio, Kettering Foundation Press.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (2005). "Rethinking Welfare School-Attendance Policies." Social Service Review 79(1): 2-28.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (2004). "Project Engages Culturally Diverse Parents in Proposition 10 Decisions." California Agriculture 58(1): 28-34.
  • Campbell, D.; Grieshop, J.; Sokolow, A.; Wright, J. (2004). "Supporting the Critical Administrative Leadership Role of County Directors." Journal of Extension 44(2)
  • Campbell, D. (2002). "Beyond Charitable Choice: The Diverse Service Delivery Approaches of Local Faith-related Organizations." Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 31(3): 207-230.
  • Campbell, D. (2002). "Conviction seeking efficacy: Sustainable agriculture and the politics of co-optation." Agriculture and Human Values 18(4): 1-11.
  • Campbell, D. (2002). "Outcomes assessment and the paradox of nonprofit accountability." Nonprofit Management & Leadership 12(2): 243-259.
  • Campbell, D.; Feenstra, G. (2001). A local partnership for sustainable food and agriculture: The case of PlacerGROWN. Westport, CT, Praeger Publishers.
  • Campbell, D. (2000). "Welfare reform shines a light on work-force development challenges." California Agriculture 54(1): 35-40.
  • Feenstra, G.; McGrew, S.; Campbell, D. (1999). Entrepreneurial community gardens: Growing food, skills, jobs and communities. University of Califoria Agriculture and Natural Resources Publications. Publication 21587.
  • Campbell, D. (1997). "Community-controlled economic development as a strategic vision for the sustainable agriculture movement." America Journal of Alternative Agriculture 12(1): 37-44.
  • Campbell, D. (1996). An analytical framework for comparing community interventions. UC Davis, California Communities Program.
  • Campbell, D. (1995). "Coalition promotes sustainable practices." California Agriculture 49(1): 15.
  • Campbell, D. (1993). The economic and social viability of rural communities: BGH vs. rotational grazing. University of California Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.
  • Campbell, D.; Hess, D. (1989). "Olympian detachment: A critical look at the world of C.S. Lewis' fictional characters." Studies in the Literary Imagination 22(2): 199-216.
  • Campbell, D. (1987). "Church-state separation and competing political ideals: The promise of value-based community organizing." Christian Scholar's Review 17(1): 25-35.

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Campbell, D.; Erbstein, N. (2010). Benefits and Challenges in Building a Community Youth Development Coalition. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number One. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Fabionar, J. (2010). Community-School Partnershps to Support Youth Development. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number Two. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Carrasco, L. (2010). Engaging Parents in a Community Youth Development Initiative. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number Four. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Erbstein, N.; Fabionar, J.; Wilcox, W.; Carrasco, L. (2010). Engaging Youth in Community Change: Outcomes and Lessons Learned from Sierra Health Foundation's REACH Youth Program. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Erbstein, N.; Carrasco, L. (2010). Toward Making Good on "All Youth": Engaging Underrepresented Youth Populations in Community Youth Development. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number Six. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Fabionar, J. (2010). Youth Development Camp for Community Change. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number Five. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Wilcox, W. (2010). Youth-Produced Media in Community Change Efforts. REACH Issue Brief Series. Number Three. November 2010.
  • Campbell, D.; Erbstein, N.; Kubo, M.; Fabionar, J.; Wilcox, W.; Carrasco, L. (2009). Sierra Health Foundation REACH Youth Development Initiative: First Interim Evaluation Report. February 2009.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C. (2007). The Promise and Limits of Community and Faith-Related Organizations as Government Workforce Development Partners. Final Evaluation Report on the California Community and Faith-Based Initiative. October 2007.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C.; Treiber, J.; Lamming, J.; Pence, B.; Tarallo, B. (2006). Final Report: UC Davis Evaluation of California's Workforce Development System. November 2006.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C.; Treiber, J.; Lamming, J.; Pence, B.; Tarallo, B. (2006). Implementing WIA at the Local Level: A Comparative Analysis of 10 Local Workforce Areas in California. August 2006.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C.; Lamming, J. (2006). The Workforce Investment Act and California Youth: Implementing Local Youth Councils and Youth Programs. September 2006.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C. (2005). Community and Faith-based Initiative (CFBI): Community Network Analysis. Third Report of the UC Davis Evaluation Team. February 2005.
  • Campbell, D. (2005). Evaluation of the Community and Faith-based Initiative (CFBI). Second Report of the UC Davis Evaluation Team. February 2005.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C. (2005). Survey of Local Workforce Board Executive Directors. April 2005.
  • Campbell, D.; Pence, B. (2004). Opportunity for Leadership: Stakeholder Assessments of State-level WIA Implementation. December 2004.
  • Campbell, D. (2003). Evaluation of the Community and Faith-based Initiative (CFBI). First Report of the UC Davis Evaluation Team. August 2003.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (2002). The Civic Engagement Project for Children and Families (CEP). Year 2 Evaluation Report. July 2002.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (2002). The Merced County Attendance Project (MerCAP). Final Evaluation Report. April 2002.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (2001). The civic engagement project for children and families. Year 1 Evaluation Report. January 2001.
  • Campbell, D. (2000). Community-controlled economic development as a strategic vision for the sustainable agriculture movement. Making Waves: Canada's Community Economic Development Magazine. 11:3, 17-25.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (1999). Final Evaluation Report. ComPAC Healthy Community Project (Susanville). November 1999.
  • Campbell, D.; Wright, J. (1999). Final Evaluation Report. Lassen Fitness Project. November 1999.
  • Campbell, D.; Lemp, C.; Wright, J. (1999). Nonprofit Involvement in Welfare Reform: Fresno County and Proteus, Inc. June 1999.

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