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News about UC Agriculture and Natural Resources
by Kathy Keatley Garvey
on April 19, 2007 at 11:31 AM
Jeanette, looks good!  
And I still have my Radio Shack laptop computer that I used to send news stories to the newsrooms back in the early 1980s. They issued me the password and it was magic!
by Sustainable Ag Wonkette
on April 19, 2007 at 11:31 AM
Great start! I especially like your motto “You can recognize a pioneer by the arrows in her back.” You are one of my heroes for forging ahead always with the Web and other electronic communication tools. I'm coming, too! I'm glad I got to see everyone even though I had to miss most of the presentations yesterday. I am excited about getting our important messages about innovative and healthy California agriculture out to the world with the best outreach tools available. Even though the tools are important, a good message and good writing are critical. We still have to fight the doldrums in writing. That thought was prompted by a great quote from my "Tough Dames" calendar: "This is the worst writer's block I've ever had."--writer Lillian Hellman, on her deathbed, in answer to a friend's question, "How are you doing?"  
Best wishes!
by Janice Corner
on April 19, 2007 at 3:47 PM
Your personal IT history story gave an interesting perspective. I enjoyed the meeting yesterday -- it was both informative and collegial, even though the quiver of cutting edge IT arrows were a tad daunting. I vow by out next meeting to learn more about all of them. This is in keeping with a quote from Diana Scharf Hunt, who said, "Goals are dreams with deadlines."  
Hats off to you for a well planned and delivered meeting.
by Janet Byron
on April 23, 2007 at 12:58 PM
Jeannette, thanks for organizing a great meeting. My problem with most blogs is that I don't really have much to say/ I'll just write something that doesn't really add anything to the conversation...and make everyone else read it. OK, I'll stop now.  
Oh well.  
Janet B.
by Kathleen Delate
on May 11, 2007 at 9:46 AM
Thanks for sharing alternative ag information across the globe! As a UCB alum, I welcome news from the "motherland" on the latest research and trends in organic and local food production. When I first started my posiiton as an Organic Ag prof at Iowa State Univ., I made the proclamation that 'we can grow anything California grows.' Ten years later, we continue research on organic grapes, tomatoes, and of course, corn and beans. Thanks for keeping the news alive!
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