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Happenings in the insect world
by Bernice Day
on May 30, 2021 at 7:11 AM
My milkweed plants are now tall and straight. I check them every day with the hope of spotting monarch eggs. I plan on placing fine nets over the plant as soon as eggs appear. This is my first year trying to save these precious monarchs. I wrote a children’s book after I found a wounded monarch in the grass with a broken wing. I took this monarch to the U of Wisconsin Entomology Department and a new wing was attached and the butterfly survived and flew away. I hope to get pictures this year to go along with the book and then have it published.
by Shirley Paulin
on July 8, 2021 at 11:31 PM
Can you tell if milkweed was sprayed by farmers. Can anything be done to stop spraying or cutting down milkweed?
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