ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

ANR Update

Annual whistleblower notification

The University of California is committed to maintaining the highest standards of conduct in the fulfillment of its education, research, public service and patient care mission. The University's Whistleblower Policy provides multiple avenues for employees to bring forward concerns of potential employee misconduct. Faculty and staff are encouraged to bring forward concerns about possible improper governmental activity directly to their supervisor, department head, Locally Designated Official (LDO) or other appropriate university offices or officials. 

The university established a systemwide, independently operated whistleblower hotline to receive calls or web-based reporting from faculty, staff, students or members of the public. The hotline allows for anonymous reporting. The hotline relays the reported concerns to appropriate university officials for processing. This hotline is staffed seven days a week, 24 hours per day and is capable of receiving reports in a number of different languages. 

The toll-free number is 1-800-403-4744. Web-based reports can be made at More information about the whistleblower process can be found on the UC Whistleblower website and on posters displayed in various employee areas. The University's whistleblower poster identifies other channels for reporting improper governmental activity, including the California State Auditor, the California Attorney General and federal whistleblower programs.

The California Government Code requires every state agency, including the University of California, to annually distribute to its employees a message from the California State Auditor that provides an explanation of the California Whistleblower Protection Act. Please find the 2019 message attached.


Jake McGuire (
Controller & Locally Designated Official


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Attached Files
2019 CSA Brochure
Posted on Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 2:20 PM

Staff and academic salary programs for 2019-20

Dear Colleagues,

My ANR Budget Update 2019-20 provided an overview of our budget challenges and described actions we have taken or may take in response to shrinking financial support from the state. Despite these budget pressures, providing market competitive compensation for staff and academics remains a top investment priority for UC ANR. People are our greatest asset; without quality people, we cannot achieve our research and extension mission.

I am happy to announce details of the annual salary programs for academics and staff for FY 2019-20.

Academic Salary Program  

For ANR academic appointees, salary scales will increase by a general range adjustment of three percent, effective July 1, 2019. These increases apply to all non-represented academic titles at ANR.  This is in addition to the merit and promotion actions for those scheduled to receive increases on July 1.

In recent years, ANR has added equity increases to the CE Advisor Series base salaries to create a UC ANR Adjusted Salary Scale. For 2019-20, the three percent general range adjustment will apply to the UC ANR Adjusted Salary Scale.

Academic HR will send individual noticse to academics regarding the increases, and the updated salary scales will be posted on the Academic HR website.

Staff Salary Program  

For policy-covered (non-represented) staff employees, ANR is implementing a merit-based salary increase program. The merit increases will be effective June 30, 2019, for bi-weekly paid employees, and July 1, 2019, for both monthly paid employees.

As in prior years, the salary increases under this program will be merit-based and linked directly to the individual's performance and contribution.

UC ANR Human Resources will provide detailed information about the staff salary increases to Directors, with instructions to share information with supervisors and staff.  

Salary programs for exclusively-represented staff are defined in the UC-wide collective bargaining agreements.

Market Equity Programs

In addition to the annual salary programs, over the last three years UC ANR has implemented multi-year strategies to improve the competitiveness of salaries for CE advisors and non-represented staff.

Each of these programs represents a significant financial investment for the division, and we are committed to continuing those programs despite receiving no increase in funding from the Office of the President for the coming fiscal year.


I am pleased to offer salary increases this year. While we remain in a difficult budget situation, it is important that we invest in and reward our people appropriately for their commitment and efforts. Salary increases during a flat budget year do impact the availability of funds for program purposes. I expect we will need to make more difficult decisions regarding the levels of support provided to units and academics across UC ANR. As we work through our budget, we will share more regarding how we plan to address these impacts.

Please plan to join me for the next virtual town hall on Thursday, Aug. 15, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. During this Zoom webinar, I will provide an update with as much information as is known at that time, and you will have an opportunity to ask questions.

Thank you all for the great work you do.

Glenda Humiston
Vice President


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Posted on Monday, July 22, 2019 at 9:03 AM
Tags: salary increase (5)

Humiston delivers UC ANR overview, UC regents request tour

Today (July 18) VP Glenda Humiston delivered an overview of UC ANR to the UC Board of Regents during their meeting at the UCSF–Mission Bay Conference Center.

The regents appeared inspired by the description of Californians throughout the state benefiting from UC ANR research and outreach.

“You do so many valuable things, not only in the agricultural community, but as you highlighted, a lot of times in the urban areas,” Regent Richard Leib said to Humiston.

Turning to his fellow regents, Leib asked, “How do we get this message out to the policymakers, to the legislators who are funding these projects? Because it's such a valuable thing that the organization is doing, but unless you've been touched by it, you might not know it's UC.” 

Chair John Perez agreed, saying, “I think your frame is the right one. There are counties where we don't have a campus, but we have a presence.”

“I just wanted to say how excited I am to hear your presentation. ANR is a part of UC I know the least about and just to get a taste of what ANR does and its reach is really exciting to me,” said Regent Lark Park, adding she would like a tour of ANR activities. “You really opened my eyes to the importance of ANR to our overall mission and all the public policy problems facing the state. I'm really excited to learn more and advocate more for this.” 

Here's the link to a 30-minute video of today's presentation and the UC regents' comments following Humiston's presentation


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Posted on Thursday, July 18, 2019 at 5:45 PM
Tags: Glenda Humiston (41), regents (4)

ANR town hall Thursday, Aug. 15, 1:30 p.m.

Please join ANR leaders for a virtual town hall on Thursday, Aug. 15, 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. This will replace the monthly all-ANR staff meeting.

Via Zoom, Glenda Humiston, Tu Tran and John Fox will update you on ANR's budget, salary increases for staff and academics, and UCPath, and answer your questions.

On July 8, Humiston sent an ANR Update message about ANR's budget outlining some options leadership is considering to compensate for $5 million in unfunded obligations.

UC ANR is on track to launch UCPath on Oct. 1, with cutover activities beginning in September. Readiness meetings are being held with business officers, supervisors and anyone else who is interested. If you haven't received an invitation and want to attend, contact your business manager for more information.

During the town hall, participants may submit questions and comments via the Zoom chat box.

To join, click this link

    Or by phone, dial: (based on your location for higher quality)

    US: +1 669 900 6383 or +1 646 558 8656

    Webinar ID: 530 365 395

A recording of the town hall is at


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Posted on Wednesday, July 17, 2019 at 2:11 PM
Tags: budget (36), Glenda Humiston (41), John Fox (16), town hall (11), Tu Tran (12), UCPath (19)

Budget update 2019-20

Dear Colleagues,

The state's fiscal year 2019-20 budget will remain the same as FY18/19 for UC Office of the President (UCOP), of which UC ANR is a key component. Because we are required to compensate for $5 million in unfunded obligations (staff and academic salary and benefit increases), a flat budget is essentially a $5 million cut for UC ANR.  That is on top of similar cuts for the past several years.

At this point, we no longer have money in reserve to minimize the impact. That is why we were recently forced to reduce funding for 4-H by $900,000. It's also why we had to announce last December that we could not recruit additional UC Cooperative Extension advisors.

The good news is you are doing amazing work to help Californians improve their lives, and people recognize and value your efforts.

For example, In Riverside County, more than 100 4-H members, Master Gardener volunteers, farmers, nutrition course participants and other UCCE stakeholders attended a meeting in early June to tell the Riverside County Board of Supervisors how they have personally benefited from UC ANR research and outreach and urged them not to cut UC Cooperative Extension funds. Despite their own tight budget, the Board of Supervisors agreed to maintain their contribution to UCCE and talked of expanding support later as an investment in the people of Riverside County.

I am hopeful that others will increase their support for UC ANR to address water, wildfire, nutrition, invasive pests and many other pressing issues facing the state. I admire your commitment to your work. Accept credit for your accomplishments and let Californians know the return they are getting for their investment in UC ANR.

Feel free to use the attached overview along with the facts below to help answer questions from stakeholders.  

  • UC ANR learned recently that the FY19/20 state appropriations will remain the same as FY18/19 for UC Office of the President (UCOP), of which UC ANR is a key component. The budget remains in flux, but we are working to project scenarios and associated responses.
  • UC ANR FY18/19 funding was the same as FY17/18 funding. Level funding represents approximately $5M in unfunded obligations for UC ANR (staff and academic salary and benefit increases).
  • Impacts of a second consecutive year of flat funding to UC ANR will be very apparent. After years of state and federal appropriations that don't keep up with costs, we have exhausted the less disruptive options for covering costs and are faced with hard reality. UC ANR leadership is in the process of determining how the funding shortfall will be managed, but we know that we can't avoid cuts that will affect us and the important work we do.

While nothing has been finalized, we are considering the following options, likely some combination thereof:

  • Suspension of the Opportunity Grants Program (effective May 15, 2019)
  • Filling open staff and academic positions only after careful consideration by senior leadership coupled with a very slow hiring process
  • Reducing support for meetings (travel funds for program teams, strategic initiatives, CE Specialist and AES funding)
  • Reducing other program support (Program Support Funds)
  • Reduced support for Statewide Programs/Institutes
  • Reduced central funding to support community educator positions
  • Further reduction of Research and Extension Center subsidies for future projects

None of the options above are appealing as each has consequences that may affect our ability to help Californians. We will use proceeds of the surplus land sale of 3031 Second Street in Davis to pay down debt and invest to generate income to address urgent needs that arise, rather than alleviate our budget constraints for only one year. We will continue to leverage our resources and look for more opportunities to increase funds.

If you have questions about outreach to elected officials, please contact Anne Megaro, government and community relations director, at or (530) 750-1218.

As always, I appreciate the fantastic work you are doing.

Glenda Humiston
Vice President


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Posted on Monday, July 8, 2019 at 5:42 PM
Tags: budget (36), Glenda Humiston (41)

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