ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Flu vaccination reminder, UC ANR modifies COVID-19 safety standards

Flu vaccination reminder 
Beginning November 1, 2020, an influenza vaccination is required for all employees accessing any UC ANR location, unless they receive an approved medical exemption or a religious or disability accommodation. The flu vaccination is encouraged for all employees and their families by November 1. 

See for information about how UC ANR will implement the executive order for our employees and workplaces. The page has been updated to include benefits of flu vaccination and information in Spanish. The UC ANR web page also links to a FAQs for all UC employees on UCnet, which has recently been expanded to include new questions (for example, nasal vaccines being an option for those with needle phobias, and vaccination requirements for contractors).   

UC ANR modifies COVID-19 safety standards 
UC ANR's Emergency Response Team (ERT) has released the latest modifications to UC ANR's COVID-19 Safety Standards. This update is based on the state's 4-tier Blueprint for a Safer Economy and the industry guidance for Institutes of Higher Education. The modifications update UC ANR's 5 basic safety protocols that must be followed for all in-person activities. The most notable change is a new approach to allowing and managing some meetings, programs, or workshops held by ANR employees or volunteers, with new limits on capacity that are based on a location's County risk tier status and the occupancy rating of the meeting space. 

Please review the Modified COVID-19 Safety Standards, Addendum #3 and assess the applicable risk tier for your location. If your programs are ready to allow increased occupancy for meetings or other gatherings, then you can work with your County, REC or Statewide Program Director to update your Location Safety Plan to reflect these changes in operations and safety protocols. 

We emphasize that no location, program or employees should feel pressured to resume in-person operations if they cannot do so safely and in full compliance with UC ANR's COVID-19 safety standards. These modifications to our safety standards are intended to provide the framework and guidance for a UC ANR location to use, based on the state's COVID-19 guidance and the local conditions in your community. As always, UC ANR Directors and program managers must also be aware of and abide by any local County Health Orders that may be more restrictive than these standards. Locations should be prepared to return to stricter protocols if there is a change in statewide or local COVID-19 risk, safety standards, or site-specific exposure or other operational concerns that may require a temporary closure. 

Brian Oatman 
Director, Risk & Safety Services

Posted on Thursday, October 8, 2020 at 5:26 PM

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