ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

ANR Update

UC ANR COVID-19 Update: Continued support for employees; UC Path phone service

Continued support for employees 
As we all continue to face the numerous challenges brought on by the pandemic, our top priority at UC ANR is to continue to provide a safe, flexible and healthy work environment. We recognize how complicated each of your unique situations may be and how difficult it is when we don't know where our next hurdle may come from. One thing is clear, however: as we face more change, the need to continue to be flexible and thoughtful is more critical than ever.  

As schools and workplaces begin to reopen, in part or in full, please know that we are aware of the strain this may cause for scheduling, time management and work life balance. We will continue to provide flexible work arrangements, to the extent possible, and we will continue to put your safety and wellbeing first. While we cannot know for certain what is on the horizon for each of us, we know that UC ANR is full of extraordinary, innovative and dedicated people and it is through your pioneering efforts that UC ANR has been successful in continuing to operate during these difficult times. 

We want to thank you for your determination and remind you of the support tools at your disposal to help you take care of yourselves and your families. We highly encourage all employees and supervisors to check in with each other regularly and continue to reassess the work environment and discuss ongoing needs.


Family Care Resources – UC offers Family Care Resources to help you balance work and family responsibilities.

Leaves – Leave Options & UC ANR Update

Flexible Work Schedules – Contact to discuss options.

Safety – Please visit the UC ANR Safety page for safety information on Resuming in Person Activity and more. 

Health – Self-care during times of change and high stress is critical. Please see the options below for additional resources in addition to any benefits your medical care provider may offer:

Human Resources is available to help employees and supervisors navigate their unique circumstances during this time and will be continuing to look for additional means to support employees. Please feel free to contact Jodi Rosenbaum at should you have any questions.

UCPath phone service
UC Path will begin providing phone service again starting Monday, July 27, at 8 a.m. The UCPath Center staff continues to work remotely with new phone hardware and software to support calls from employees, location administrators, former employees, vendors and third parties.  

UCPath phone service information:

  • UCPath phone number: 855-982-7284
  • Business hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday starting July 27, excluding UC holidays
  • Callers will be asked to authenticate with their eight-digit date of birth and last four digits of their social security number
  • To ensure UCPath addresses employee questions or issues, callers must inform the UCPath associate if they are calling about an open inquiry

UC ANR contact information:

In urgent cases where employees may not get ahold of UCPath or are not sure how to proceed, please contact: 

Celebration Corner 
The Program Support Unit provided excellent support to IGIS in putting on a virtual Drone Camp. With a record number of participants, the camp went smoothly because of PSU staff expertise in managing the many logistics, including putting over 500 people in breakout rooms and accommodating a deaf participant.  

Modoc County 4-Hers participated in a Junior Livestock Show & Sale on June 8-12 that was adapted for COVID-19 safety measures. The many changes that were implemented kept the community safe while providing experiences that taught youth valuable life skills: confidence, public speaking, livestock judging, problem solving, resiliency and more.

Many thanks for the great work you are doing and the innovation you've shown during some challenging times. Your cooperators, your communities and I all greatly appreciate it! Take care of yourself and make some time tonight to check out Comet Neowise; it's closest to Earth today, right below the Big Dipper just after sunset.  

Best wishes, 

Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 5:20 PM
Tags: coronavirus (79), UCPath (19)

Sad news about Lowell Lewis

Dear Colleagues,

I have received the sad news of Lowell Lewis's passing from Henry Vaux, former ANR associate vice president. Our longtime employees and emeriti will remember Lowell from his 30-plus years of service to ANR. Although Lowell retired as AVP in 1991, he remained in contact with many ANR colleagues over the years, both professionally and personally.  

I offer my condolences to his family, friends and colleagues. Please see Henry's note below.

Glenda Humiston
Vice President

Sadly I write to inform you that Professor Emeritus Lowell Lewis, Professor of Horticultural Science and also Associate Vice President Emeritus, passed away last week. He was 89 and had been in declining health for some months. 

Lowell served as an active faculty member in Horticultural Science at UCR from 1960 until about 1981. During the later years of the 70s and early years of the 80s he was Associate Dean of what was then CNAS though it was called by a different name then. Lowell then served beginning in 1981 as Associate Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources in the Office of the President. He retired in 1991 and was an international consultant for some years after that. He resided in Barcelona, Spain, until returning to the U.S. two years ago. He resided then in Irvine. 

Although it has been many years since Lowell was on the campus there are probably a few faculty who remember him. He will also be remembered by members of the Riverside community where he was active. I do not know what sort of announcement or press release you may wish to get out or even if you wish to do either. In any event, I thought it important that you be aware of Lowell's passing. He will be missed by those who knew him. 

Sincerely yours,

Henry Vaux, Jr. 
Professor Emeritus
Associate V.P. Emeritus


Posted on Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 1:14 PM
Tags: Lowell Lewis (1)

Register to share your ideas on how to improve UC ANR

Every Tuesday during the month of August, UC ANR leaders will be hosting two-hour online meetings to share their draft 5-year goals and get your input into the ANR Strategic Plan Refresh 2020-2025.

Teams of goal owners will review challenges we face, briefly share accomplishments to date, and present draft strategies for the future. They want to hear what you think may be missing and your ideas on how to shape the future of ANR. There will be breakout groups to provide the opportunity for you to talk with colleagues and submit your ideas to inform the final ANR strategic plan.

See the table below with specific dates for certain topics and draft goals – and sign up! 

All UC ANR staff and academics – campus-based AES faculty and CE specialists – are invited.

Register at

Sessions are limited to 1,000 people per the Zoom meeting license. If you have constraints joining by Zoom, please talk to your supervisor and strategize how the local office/REC can help accommodate you.

Glenda Humiston
Vice President

Date/ Time




10 a.m. - 12 noon

Increasing Program Resources

  • Goal 9: Generate Revenue and Optimize Resource Deployment
  • Goal 10: Expand and Diversify Fund Development
  • Goal 11: Improve Efficiency and Strengthen Infrastructure
  • Goal 12: Strengthen Communication and Advocacy



Tu Tran, Associate Vice President - Business Operations

Lorna Krkich, Development Services Executive Director

Linda Forbes, Strategic Communications Director

Anne Megaro, Government and Community Relations Director


1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Strengthening Partnerships

  • Goal 1: Strengthen Research and Extension Partnerships
  • Goal 3: Build Sustainable Economies for Working Landscapes
  • Goal 4: Scale-up the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Program



Wendy Powers, Associate Vice President - Programs

Glenda Humiston, Vice President

Gabe Youtsey, Chief Innovation Officer


10 a.m. - 12 noon

Fostering a Positive Work Environment

  • Goal 6: Improve Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • Goal 7: Recruit, Develop and Retain People
  • Goal 8: Support Volunteerism



John Fox, Executive Director Human Resources

Missy GableUC Master Gardener Statewide Program Director

Gemma Miner, Academic Coordinator for Volunteer Engagement

Bethanie Brown, Director of Human Resources


1 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Expanding Virtual Reach

  • Goal 2: Increase UC ANR's Virtual Reach
  • Goal 5: Modernize Digital Information Delivery System



Mark Bell, Vice Provost of Strategic Initiatives and Statewide Programs

Linda Forbes, Director of Strategic Communications

Posted on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 4:14 PM
Tags: Strategic Plan (8)

UC ANR COVID-19 Update: Modified safety standards

This week, in response to a trend of increasing COVID-19 cases and potential strains on hospital capacity in many areas of the state, Governor Newsom ordered that certain business sectors and activities must scale back their operations. Additional business sectors were ordered to cease indoor operations in more than 30 counties that are on the State's Monitoring List due to their current testing rates, disease transmission data, and hospital status. As a result of this roll-back of the State's plan for re-opening, UC ANR is modifying its Stage 2 safety guidelines for offices located in counties that are on the State's Monitoring List.

Effective Monday, July 20, 2020, UC ANR offices located in counties on the State's Monitoring List must return to Stage 1 remote work status until State and County restrictions are lifted and UC ANR advises it is appropriate to return to in-person operationsThese UC ANR offices will be closed to the public; visits may be arranged by appointment only.  

UC ANR employees and volunteers should work or engage remotely and/or in outdoor environments as much as possible. Research and Extension activities and programs that have been approved to resume under UC ANR Stage 2 Location Safety Plans and protocols may continue outdoors or online.

Directors and supervisors must re-evaluate which employees need to come to the office for work. At this time, employees should only come to the office for the following types of critical work activities:

  • Previously approved research and extension activities (such as research, animal care, agricultural operations, critical maintenance, etc.) that were approved during Stage 1.
  • Essential business functions needed to support remote work.
  • Situations where an employee cannot perform his/her duties or work effectively remotely.
  • Short duration visits to pick up or drop off materials needed for work.

All previously approved UC ANR Stage 2 Location Safety Plans must be updated to include this modified guidance. Stage 2 safety protocols for UC ANR offices, labs, field sites, and all program locations still apply.  

UC ANR employees and volunteers (acting as agents of the University), that have been approved to resume in-person work (indoors or outdoors) must, at a minimum, continue to abide by these five basic protocols even when County requirements are less restrictive:

  1. Do not come to work or participate in any in-person ANR activities if sick (frequent cough, fever, difficulty breathing, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, recent loss of taste or smell, etc.) or if you or someone you have been in contact with has been diagnosed with COVID-19.
  2. Maintain six feet of distance between people at all times.
  3. Wear face coverings (cloth or paper masks, cloth bandanas, etc.) for indoor activities and when six feet of separation between people cannot be maintained.
  4. No group meetings/gatherings/events with more than 10 persons.
  5. Maintain sanitary practices – frequently clean and disinfect workspaces and equipment, wash hands often, and use hand sanitizer.

ANR locations must continue to implement additional Stage 2 mitigation measures for any in-person activities (whether in the office or at outdoor field locations). These include:

  • Daily symptom surveys must continue for any employees who are working at sites other than at home.
  • Offices must continue to maintain a daily log of attendance at the location.
  • Employees must continue to maintain a log of their daily contacts with colleagues or clientele.
  • Maintain enhanced cleaning procedures if more than one person will be present in the office.
  • Maintain hand sanitizer and personal hygiene practices.
  • Maintain limits on non-essential business travel.
  • Maintain and update communication with employees, volunteers, and other program participants.

ANR's safety standards may continue to be modified at any time by UC ANR or other authority of the University of California as conditions change or new information is available. Questions regarding any of these protocol modifications should be directed to your location Director or Brian Oatman, UC ANR Risk & Safety Services.

Glenda Humiston 
Vice President


Posted on Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 3:18 PM
Tags: coronavirus (79), Safety (10)

Cyber attacks slow UC ANR servers

UC ANR Colleagues,

Our server-security monitoring tool Malwarebytes has detected and mitigated eight malware variants, one ransomware attempt, and 379 potentially unwanted program accesses. It also appears to have blocked thousands (2,648) of malicious web traffic destined to webservers. This malicious traffic accounts for increased CPU processing by Malwarebytes, which is our “firewall” designed to mitigate the swarm of attacks that reach each server.

Due to the significantly heightened level of processing required, we are currently experiencing intermittent disruptions within Information Technology applications over the last few days, which could affect one or more of the following services:

  • Site Builder websites & UC ANR blogs
  • Portal access to tools including login, Zoom and Zendesk
  • Survey and registration system, as well as credit card processing for event registrations
  • Communication systems such as Collaborative Tools and Mailing Lists
  • Administrative systems such as the Grant Tracking System, Universal Review System, ANR Directory, and DANRIS-X

Our teams are aware of the issue and are actively working to resolve it as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconveniences is caused by this situation and assure you that we are using all resources available to restore service as quickly as we can.

If you have any questions in the interim, feel free to email the HelpDesk at

Thank you for your continued patience and understanding.


Sree Mada
Chief Information Officer

Posted on Monday, July 13, 2020 at 5:19 PM
Tags: ANR servers (1), IT (23), Sree Mada (3)

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