ANR Employees
University of California
ANR Employees

Posts Tagged: Teams

Program Team meetings, fire summit and programmatic orientation dates set

Vision 20/20: A fire-resilient California: April 16-17, and ANR-only follow-up meeting, April 18, Redding CA

The fire summit will bring together community leaders, policymakers, and movers and shakers—people like you!—from a wide range of disciplines on April 16-17. Vision 20/20: A Fire-resilient California will expand our understanding of California's fire problem and provide an opportunity to build connectivity, interaction, and integration across disciplines and better understand the complexity of and find solutions to California's wildfire challenge.

On April 18, we'll have an internal ANR meeting where we can share our own work in fire and strategize how together we can better respond to California's fire challenges at local and regional levels. We hope ANR academics and staff from a wide range of disciplines will attend. Travel funds will be available for ANR-affiliated academics and programmatic staff.

Open to ANR academics and programmatic staff – registration now open.

UC ANR Programmatic Orientation: April 23-25, Kearney Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Parlier, CA

Plan to join ANR leadership for the Programmatic Orientation to discuss the mission of UC ANR and our varied roles in California and the University, as well as see examples of successful research and outreach programs. Take this opportunity to engage in discussions with colleagues about the resources and opportunities available through ANR as a division. 

All early career UC Cooperative Extension advisors and specialists, academic coordinators and administrators are invited to attend – registration now open.

Upcoming Program Team meetings

                Water Resources PT – March 5-7 – Registration

                Positive Youth Development Meeting – March 18-20 – Registration

                Pomology (PECC) PT – March 27-28 – Registration opening soon

                Dairy Production and Food Safety PT – April 9-10 – Registration opening soon

                Research to Policy PT – April 10-11 – Registration opening soon  


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Posted on Tuesday, February 26, 2019 at 11:53 AM
Tags: orientation (0), program teams (0), wildfire (0)

ANR funding support update


As mandated costs continue to outpace available funds, UC ANR is taking action to ensure financial prudence while continuing to devote our limited resources to our priorities. These include the approved systemwide merit program and the two UC ANR equity programs designed to improve the competitiveness of salaries for academics and staff, among other goals. As Vice President Humiston recently said, “People are our greatest asset; without you, we cannot achieve our research and extension mission.” Please see related programmatic funding updates below.

Program Team funding

  • For FY2018-19, UC ANR is providing funding for Program Team meetings, during which related Workgroups can also meet. These meetings provide the opportunity to network, share, and learn. To find out about the meetings check the Program Team meetings web page.
  • Over this coming year, UC ANR program leadership will continue to solicit input on opportunities to improve our Strategic Initiative, Program Team, and Workgroup structure and roles. Thanks to Program Team Leaders and Workgroup Chairs who provided input through the August survey.

CE specialist and AES travel funds to work with CE advisors or at the RECs

  • Continuing in FY 2018-19, UC ANR is making travel support available for CE specialists to collaborate with UC ANR academics off-campus, including CE advisors in the counties and UC ANR academics at the research and extension centers. Each specialist may apply for up to $2,500. These travel funds must be expended by June 30, 2019, and used by the UCCE specialists only, and cannot be used for out-of-state travel.
  • UC ANR continues to support travel by AES faculty to meet and work with UC ANR county-based or REC-based academics. Support is limited to $1,000 per AES faculty member with a cap on the total pool of funds available set at $25,000 for FY 2018-19. This travel support must be used by the AES faculty member for his/her own travel to plan and execute research or present research findings at meetings hosted by UC ANR academics. Additional support may be available through the campuses; AES faculty should consult their departments or colleges.
  • Completing a short online survey is the only step in accessing these funds.

ANR funding opportunities/grants 

  • For 2018-2020, UCANR will not be issuing a call for proposals for the ANR Competitive Grants Program nor the High-Risk/High-Reward Program, and the Matching Program is on hold. These funds are being redirected given the current budget situation.  
  • UC ANR continues to accept submissions for the Opportunity Grants Program, which provides small amounts of funding to initiate and complete critical short-term research, outreach, or training efforts. Proposals are accepted at any time. For more information, see the web page


Wendy Powers
Associate Vice President

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Posted on Monday, September 24, 2018 at 9:53 AM

Dairy and food safety, pest management and youth development program teams to meet in June

Three program teams and the associated workgroups will be meeting in June in Davis. Registration is open for the Pest Management, Dairy Production and Food Safety, and Positive Youth Development program team meetings.

Pest Management 

June 6-7

UC ANR Building, Davis, CA

Workgroup meeting times:
June 6, 8 a.m.-12:30 p.m.: Pesticide Use Reporting Workgroup, San Joaquin Valley (view agenda)
June 6, 1-4 p.m.: Integrated Management of Soilborne Pests Workgroup, San Joaquin Valley (view agenda)
June 7, 1-3 p.m.: Plant Pathology Workgroup, San Joaquin Valley (view agenda)
June 7, 1-5 p.m.: Entomology Workgroup, Coast Room (view agenda) 

Program contact: Andrew Sutherland

Website and Registration

Dairy Production and Food Safety

Thursday June 8, 9 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

2154 Meyer Hall, UC Davis

Discussion topics include dairy production, heard health, forage production, nutrient management and more. See the full agenda at

Program contact: Deanne Meyer

Website and Registration

Positive Youth Development

June 19-22

UC ANR Building, Davis, CA

Workgroup meeting times:
June 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Diversity Workgroup, Sacramento Valley 
June 19, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.: Positive Youth Development through 4-H Camp Experience, Coast Room
June 21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.: Developing Volunteer Capacity Workgroup, Sacramento Valley
June 21, 8 a.m.-1:30 p.m.: Environmental Education Workgroup, Coast Room
June 22, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Money Talks Workgroup, Bay Room

Program contact: Fe Moncloa

Website and Registration

For questions about meeting logistics, contact the Program Support Unit at For more information about Program Teams, visit


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Posted on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 11:04 AM

Upcoming UC ANR program team meetings and Strategic Initiatives conference

Several program teams and workgroups will be meeting before the end of the year. See below.

Viticulture Program Team Meeting
Thursday, November 3
J. Lohr Wine Center in Paso Robles
Discussion topics include wine grape production manual, GiESCO meeting and tour in Argentina/Chile, November 4 seminar and potential future seminars in other areas.

Program Contact: Mark Battany

Website and Registration


SNE and EIPD Joint SI Conference

Wednesday, November 16

The Conference Center, UC Davis

The Joint Strategic Initiatives Conference for Sustainable and Natural Ecosystems (SNE) and Endemic & Invasive Pests & Diseases (EIPD)  provides an opportunity for colleagues to learn about the projects, programs, and research efforts happening throughout the Division that are at the intersections of pest management and natural resources. Several work groups will meet and an in-service training will be held in conjunction with this conference. The full agenda is here.

Program Contacts: Cheryl Wilen or John Harper

Website and Registration


Meat Production and Food Safety Program Team Meeting

Wednesday, November 30, through Thursday, December 1

Nugget Hotel and Casino in Sparks, Nevada

Discussion topics include Taurus, livestock economics, water use by cattle on California rangelands, greenhouse gas emission and the livestock industry and more. See the full agenda here.

Program Contact: Theresa Becchetti or James Oltjen

Website and Registration


Vegetable Crops Program Team Meeting

Monday, December 5, through Tuesday, December 6

UC Davis, ARC Ballroom

The Weed Workgroup will also be meeting jointly with the Vegetable Crops PT on December 6, and individually on December 7 at the Lecture Hall, Bowley Center.

Program Contact: Gale Perez or Tim Hartz

Website and Registration


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Posted on Monday, October 24, 2016 at 11:29 AM

Register for upcoming Strategic Initiative and Program Team events

Registration is open for several upcoming ANR Strategic Initiative and Program Team events. Dates and links to more information are listed below.

Strategic Initiative conferences -

Program Team (PT) meetings -

2017 Strategic Initiative events being planned

The Water and Sustainable Food Systems strategic initiatives are in the process of planning a co-hosted conference in the spring. The Sustainable Food Systems Strategic Initiative is also planning a conference for the fall. More information will be shared as details are firmed up.

For more information about ANR's Strategic Initiatives, visit


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Posted on Monday, August 29, 2016 at 11:17 AM

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