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Workgroup Information

Warm Season Vegetables

Summary Focus of the workgroup is on conducting research and education programs in many warm season vegetables with emphasis on fresh market tomatoes, bell peppers, and melons in major production areas of California. Annual workgroup meeting brings advisors, specialists, and AES personnel together to coordinate and exchange information on the high priority issues of sustainable crop production practices, pest management updates, nutrient and water conservation and environmental quality factors, and industry challenges. Additionally the workgroup addresses the needs of the specific commodities on a statewide basis.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Thomas Turini (Co-Chair)
Phone 559-375-3147
Unit: Fresno County
Location: Cooperative Extension Fresno County
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 210-B
(559) 241-7515
Fresno, 93710
Membership List
AES Scientist
Bradford, Kent Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist-AES   Vice-Chair for Instruction Seed physiology; biotechnology; stress physiology, hormonal physiology; plant and seed water relations
Chetelat, Roger Department of Plant Sciences
  Geneticist Director, C.M. Rick Tomato Genetics Resource Center
Coffey, Michael Plant Pathology
  Professor   Plant Pathologist Phytophthora and Powdery Mildew Diseases and their control: Taxonomy, Systematics, Phylogeny and Molecular Diagnosis of Phytophthora. Powdery mildews: disease resistance, fungicides
Falk, Bryce Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Plant Pathologist-AES Plant virology, virus vector relationships, engineered resistance
Gilbertson, Robert Plant Pathology - CAES
  Professor Seed pathology, virology, insect-transmitted viruses
Gordon, Thomas UCDavis
  Professor Plant Pathology
Michelmore, Richard Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor Geneticist-AES Classical and molecular genetics of plants and pathogens; genome evolution
Perring, Thomas Entomology (UCR)
  Professor of Entomology and Entomologist Integrated management of insect and mite pests of agricultural crops, particularly in the desert. Biological control.
Saltveit, Mikal Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Plant Physiologist-AES Postharvest physiology, physiological response to the abiotic stresses of chilling, physical injury, and altering gaseous atmosphere; effects of stress on ripening, senescence, ethylene metabolism and phenolic metabolism
St Clair, Dina Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor and Geneticist-AES Genetics, breeding and genomics of tomatoes; use of wild species in plant improvement; quantitative trait genetics
Van Deynze, Allen Department of Plant Sciences
Yoder, John Department of Plant Sciences
  Professor   Geneticist-AES Molecular genetics of parasitic plant-host interactions; rhizosphere communications; structure-function relationships in plant genomes; molecular mechanisms and genetic consequences of transposition and recombination.
CE Advisor
Aegerter, Brenna San Joaquin County
  Farm Advisor Vegetable Crops, Plant Pathology
Aguiar, Jose Riverside County, Palm Desert Office
  Farm Advisor Vegetable crops and small farms
Baameur, Aziz Small Farm Program
  Retired Emeritus, Farm Advisor Small Farms, cultivar evaluation, nutrient management, irrigation, specialty crops, vegetables, Asian vegetables, Small Farms
Cahn, Michael Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Irrigation and Water Resources Irrigation & Water Resources
Caprile - Emeritus, Janet Contra Costa County Cooperative Extension
  Farm Advisor Commercial fruit, nut, vine, vegetable, field, specialty crops
Dahlquist-Willard, Ruth Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Interim Director, UC SAREP
Dara, Surendra San Luis Obispo County
  Director and Professor Biologicals, integrated pest management, and entomology
de la Fuente, Maria Monterey County
  Farm Advisor & Master Gardener Advisor Monterey & Santa Cruz Counties Mushrooms, compost, specialty vegetables, nursery crops, plant pathology and soil microbiology. Urban Horticulture and Master Composter Program UCCE Santa Clara.
Fulford, Anthony
Gaskell, Mark San Luis Obispo County
  Emeritus - Farm Advisor Specialty crops, small fruit crops, vegetables, sustainable agriculture, small farms in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties.
Gazula, Aparna Santa Clara County
  Small Farm Advisor Vegetable Production, Nutrient Management, Small Farms
Jimenez, Manuel Tulare County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, integrated pest management
Koike, Steven Monterey County
  Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Emeritus Plant pathology research and education for vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops; plant disease diagnostics; food safey research and extension.
Lazicki, Patricia Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Vegetable Crops Advisor
Le Strange, Michelle (Missy) Tulare County
  Farm Advisor Emeritus Vegetable crops, turf & landscape management, weed management (vegetable crops, turf and ornamentals), Master Gardener Program Advisor
Lloyd, Margaret Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Small Farms Advisor Organic
Lobo, Ramiro San Diego County
  Small Farms & Agricultural Economics Advisor Farm management, marketing, agricultural economics, agricultural tourism, small farms, new/specialty crops
Miyao, Eugene Capitol Corridor MCP Cooperative Extension
  Emeritus Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crops Processing tomato production.
Molinar, Richard Small Farm Program
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus Small farms, vegetable crops, organic farming, insect/weed management, specialty crops, sugar peas, strawberries, eggplant, squash, Asian vegetables such as basil, lemongrass, green beans, long beans, gailon, bittermelons, refugee farmers, Hmong, Lao, fluent in Spanish
Mueller, Shannon Madera County
  Emeritus Agronomy Farm Advisor Agronomy, alfalfa seed, hay production, seed certification, forage crops, pollination and honeybee management, oil seed crop production, and dry beans.
Murray, Michael Glenn County
  "County Director, Farm Advisor, Emeritus" Vegetable crops, community development
Natwick, Eric Imperial County
  Entomology Advisor, emeritus Entomology, Pest Management
Nunez, Juan Kern County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus (Retired) Vegetable crops
Sidhu, Jaspreet Kern County
  Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor
Smith, Richard Monterey County
  Farm Advisor, Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science Vegetable Crop Production & Weed Science
Stapleton, James Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Statewide Program
  IPM Plant Pathologist Integrated pest management; alternatives to synthetic chemical products for disease and pest control; solar energy in pest management; ecological engineering; pest issues in natural areas; biological, physical, and cultural management of reservoirs of weedy plant propagative materials; seed pathology; sustainable and appropriate pest management technologies; circular economy issues
Stoddard, C Scott Merced County
  County Director and Farm Advisor  Vegetable Crops and Soils Soil fertility and soil conservation, tomatoes, melons, sweetpotatoes, weed management
Takele, Etaferahu San Bernardino County
  Area Advisor Farm Management/Agricultural Economics Area Advisor - Farm Management /Agricultural Economics - Production economics, decision-making at the farm level, integrated input management, risk managementSubtropical Fruit Crops (Citrus, Avocados) Vegetable crops, Field CropsRiverside, San Diego, San Bernardino, Imperial, Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Los Angles, Orange and Ventura.
Turini, Thomas Fresno County
  Vegetable Crops Advisor Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Vossen, Paul Sonoma County
  Farm Advisor, Emeritus (Sonoma & Marin Counties) Fruits / Vegetables / Marketing Tree fruits and nuts, vegetable crops, small farm specialty crops; marketing, Master Gardener Program, organic - sustainable production, olive oil, chestnuts, apples
Wang, Zheng Stanislaus County
  Vegetable Crop Advisor Vegetable crops and irrigation
CE Specialist
Cantwell, Marita Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Vegetable Specialist Postharvest physiology, handling, and storage of vegetables, including specialty and fresh cut vegetables.
Davis, R Plant Pathology - CAES
  CE Plant Pathologist Diseases of vegetable & field crops
Fennimore, Steven Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Specialist Weed control in cool-season vegetables, weed biology, weed seed germination. Automated weed managment with intelligent weeders. Soil disinfestation with steam in strawberry and vegetables.
Grettenberger, Ian Entomology (UCD)
  Assistant Specialist in CE Field and vegetable crop IPM, insect ecology
Hartz, Timothy Department of Plant Sciences
  CE Vegetable Crops Specialist Improved management regimes for commercial vegetable production, cultural practices for warm-season vegetable crops
Jackson, Louise Land, Air & Water Resources
  Emerita Professor   CE Specialist   Plant Physiologist Plant and soil nitrogen dynamics; organic and conventional vegetable production; grassland restoration ecology; agrobiodiversity
Lanini, W Weed Science Program
  CE Weed Ecologist Ecology, weed crop competition, weed biology and low-input agriculture
Mcgiffen Jr., Milton Botany & Plant Sciences
  CE Specialist and Plant Physiologist Vegetable Crops, Invasive Species, Weed Science, Sustainable Agriculture, and Alternatives to Methyl Bromide
Mitchell, Jeffrey Kearney Agricultural Research & Extension Center
  CE Cropping Systems Specialist Vegetable cropping systems, irrigation management, soil quality, organic soil amendments, extension models, postharvest physiology
Malkin, Richard
  Professor Emeritus Photosynthesis: energy transduction in biological membranes
Subbarao, Krishna Plant Pathology - CAES
  Plant Pathologist, CE Specialist Epidemiology, population biology, and integrated control of plant pathogens
Suslow, Trevor Department of Plant Sciences
  Extension Research Specialist Emeritus Preharvest to Postharvest Microbial food safety systems,postharvest transportation, Postharvest pathology
Westerdahl, Becky Nematology CAES
  CE Specialistáá Professor Applied nematology, integrated pest management
Zalom, Frank Entomology (UCD)
  Distinguished Professor Fruit and Vegetable Crop Entomology; Integrated Pest Management
Other UC
Perez, Gale Department of Plant Sciences
  Public Education Specialist
Membership Totals
Number of Members58
ANR Members58
Info Only0
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