ANR Employees
University of California
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Workgroup Information

Garden- Based Learning

Summary DEACTIVATED 3/15/19 PER Food Literacy & Healthy Lifestyles PT AND ROSE HAYDEN SMITH - Sherry Cooper GBL and school gardens hold great potential for academic and social development for youth. Research has proven that GBL provides a vehicle for improving nutrition, reducing obesity, contributing to positive youth and community development, promoting social development, and increasing academic performance, among other things. There are many models, programs, and products that demonstrate how GBL can help achieve a wide array of educational goals and outcomes, be successfully integrated into other kinds of programs, and serve as rich, multi-disciplinary programs in and of themselves. Our workgroup investigates issues related to gardening with children and the use of gardening as a vehicle for youth education in a variety of disciplines.
Workgroup Chair Information
Name Rose Hayden-Smith (Chair)
Phone 8057941665
Unit: Ventura County
Location: Cooperative Extension Ventura County
669 County Square Drive, #100
Ventura, 93003-5401
Membership List
AES Scientist
Engel, Richard College of A&ES, Davis
  Director of Student Services Ag. Educ., Ag Literacy, Outreach
CE Advisor
Brenner, James
  CE Advisor & ANR Coordinator emeritus Strategic planning and organizational development
Desmond, Daniel El Dorado County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor   Emeritus 4-H youth development, environmental education including garden based learning and Master Food Preserver program.
Fields, Cynthia Shasta County
  4-H Youth Development Advisor Curriculum development, program planning and evaluation aimed directly at youth development. The impact of 4-H on development skills, designing and implementing high quality curriculum that includes the necessity of personal ethics.
Hayden-Smith, Rose Ventura County
  Emeritus - UCCE Advisor in Digital Communications in Food Systems & Extension Education; Editor, UC Food Observer; Food and Society Policy Fellow Digital and strategic communications; social media; advocacy; food systems; gardening; youth development; public policy; volunteer management; U.S. history (food and agricultural policy).
(info only) Johns, Marilyn San Mateo-San Francisco Counties
  County Director / Elkus Ranch Director/4-H & NFCS Advisor Nutrition education, food safety/preservation, 4-H organization/management, teen and volunteer leader development, garden-based learning
Lazaneo, Vincent San Diego County
  Urban Horticulture Advisor, Emeritus Urban horticulture and pest management education, Master Gardener Volunteer Program
(info only) Lopez, Martha Ventura County
Marzolla, A Ventura County
  Emeritus Youth development, environmental & science education, educational materials development, critical pedagogy
Moncloa, Fe
  UC ANR Cooperative Extension Advisor, Emeritus Latinx youth development, intercultural communication, culturally relevant pedagogy
Moratorio, Mario Solano County
  Emeritus Small Farm Urban Horticulture Advisor Small farms, grapes, urban horticulture and Master Gardener programs in Solano and Yolo.
Schmitt-McQuitty, Lynn Associate Vice President - Agriculture and Natural Resources
  Director for County Cooperative Extension Positive Youth Development, Youth Science Literacy, Leadership
CE Specialist
Grieshop, James Human & Community Development
   CE Education Specialist  Emeritus Non-formal education and change, communication of innovations, leadership development, cross-cultural communication
(info only) Trexler, Cary Division of Education, UC Davis
  Assistant Professor in Science and Agriculture Education Agriculture Education & Science Outreach
Zidenberg-Cherr, Sheri Nutrition
  Specialist in CE Emeritus Nutrition and health; nutrition, diet, drug and environment interactions, child nutrition
Other ANR
(info only) Brand, Rachel
  Program Representative
Bruzzone-Miller, Susana
Cozad, Shauna
Dawley, Liz Colusa County
  4-H Youth Development Program Representative
Feenstra, Gail Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (SAREP)
  Emeritus, SAREP; Sustainable Food Systems Sustainable agriculture, local and regional food systems, regional marketing, farmers markets, farm to school programs, nutrition, food system assessments/ indicators, food security, program evaluation, values-based supply chains, food policy councils
Hofmann, Kathy Alameda County Cooperative Extension
  Master Gardener Coordinator Master Gardener Volunteer Program
(info only) Martin, Carol El Dorado County
  4-H Youth Development Program Representative Youth development
(info only) Mcclure, Judy Sacramento County
  Master Gardener Program Coordinator, Landscape Horticulturist Master Gardener Program, Landscape horticulture in general.
Ohmart, Jeri Sustainable Agricultural Research & Education Program
  Children's Garden Program-Program Coordinator Instructional School Gardens
Parker, Scott San Diego County
  Program Representative III IPM
Savio, Yvonne Los Angeles County
  Master Gardener Coordinator Master Gardeners, home gardening, community gardening, school gardening
Sousa, Marceline San Joaquin County
  Master Gardener Program Coordinator
(info only) Weston, Martha Nutrition
  FSNEP Statewide Program Manager Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP)
Other UC
(info only) Gutstein, Joyce
  Director of Environmental Outreach Environmental Education & Community Outreach
Hale, Adam
Pinckney, Jane
(info only) Whent, Linda
  Director of Grants Management Grants management, educational evaluation
Membership Totals
Number of Members32
ANR Members32
Info Only9
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