Garden Shed

Sep 8, 2009

August 11, 2009 174

We are so grateful for the hard work that the Youth CCC's put into our garden!  They found this large rock under the walnut tree and moved it over to use as a garden feature in the center of our "round about" path.

August 11, 2009 183

So excited!  Here's the truck backing in with the delivery of the garden shed.  We were so fortunate that Susie got a great discount on it from Oak Country Lumber and Ranch Supply in Santa Margarita because it was one of their samples in the store.  At this point I'm wondering how on earth we will unload this thing!

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What a relief- it's on a pipe and one man used a rope to let it down slowly from the lift bed.  They made it look really easy!
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It was moved into final position by two boards with a pipe in between.

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The delivery guys- who made it look easy!


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A beautiful coat of green paint was applied!

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August 11, 2009 223

The final project for the day was planting iris around the rock.

August 11, 2009 228

The kids were proud, happy and tired by the end of the week!

By Amy Breschini
Author - Farm Advisor Assistant and Master Gardener Coordinator