Citrus And Avocado Workshop

Jul 12, 2016

Citrus And Avocado Workshop

Jul 12, 2016

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Citrus and Avocado

By Jackie Woods  UCCE Master Gardener


So you're thinking of adding a citrus or avocado tree to your garden repertoire.   Great idea!  I mean, who wouldn't want healthy, fruit-laden trees to provide delicious citrus and avocados?  With the idea firmly seeded in your mind, what's the next step? What should you know before you start?  What do these trees need to grow? With just some basic knowledge in hand, you too can successfully grow your own citrus and avocados!


Citrus and avocado trees are not drought tolerant plants.   They like their food (nitrogen) and water.  They are also particular about their living environment, preferring well-drained soils rather than heavy clay soils.  Avocado trees don't appreciate excess water and are susceptible to root rot. Citrus trees love the heat, but they are susceptible to the dastardly Asian citruspsyllid, a pest that is a carrier of the devastating disease known as HLB or huanglongbing.  Both citrus and avocado are not fond of severe freezing conditions either.  Remember the devastating frost of 2007?  Avocado orchards in Cambria, Morro Bay, Arroyo Grande and the Nipomo Mesa suffered greatly.  By mid-January of that year, approximately 50-60% of SLO county's avocado crops worth an estimated $11.5 million was lost.  The citrus crop also took a 50% hit with an estimated loss of $2 million. 


Fear not!  Help is on the horizon.  Lucky for all of us, the UCCE Master Gardener Program of San Luis Obispo County offers free Advice to Grow by Workshops in their demonstration garden.  And, guess what their next topic is?  Citrus and avocados!  The UCCE Master Gardener Program is a public service and outreach program whose mission is to extend research based knowledge and information to the public on home horticulture, pest management and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of California.  How cool is that?


The Citrus and Avocado Workshop will be held on Saturday, July 16th located at Garden of the Seven Sisters, 2156 Sierra Way, San Luis Obispo.  The workshop starts at 10:00 am and goes till noon.  After the workshop, docents will be available until 1:00 if you have any gardening questions. It's going to be a warm one so bring your hat, sunscreen, and a water bottle!

By Jackie Woods
By Noni Todd