Holidays In July

Jul 14, 2017

Holidays In July

Jul 14, 2017

Holiday Jars




Holidays In July

By Stephanie Hill   UCCE Master Food Preserver


How can I treat my friends and family to special homemade gifts this year?     Julie K.  Atascadero


One of the most amazing ways to show someone how special they are to you is to share homemade gifts that you've thoughtfully created.  And if you're like me, you prefer to get an early start on the holidays to keep your stress at a minimum.  You needn't look any further than the beautiful Central Coast for local ingredients to help you build a basket of wonderful gifts for the holidays.  The opportunities to make homemade preserved gifts are virtually endless.  Perhaps you'd like to give a gift of a flavored vinegar, make homemade salsa, or a spicy mustard.  Dried herb flavored salts also make fun and unique gifts. 

When we give gifts from the kitchen, we combine a touch of that DIY spirit with a bit of glamour and fun to create unique, very special offerings that are so well received in the hectic holiday season.  If you need some inspiration to get started, the UC Master Food Preservers in San Luis Obispo County have got just the class for you! 

Whatever you fancy making for the holidays, we invite you to attend the University of California Cooperative Extension Master Food Preserver's class “Holidays in July” to get inspired!  The “Holidays in July” workshop will be held on Saturday, July 22, 2017 from 10:00am to 12:00pm at the UCCE auditorium at 2156 Sierra Way, in San Luis Obispo. This workshop will focus on creating quality gifts using preservation techniques like water bath canning, drying and/or dehydration. There will be a $5.00 fee to attend. You can register online in advance of the class at for following site:

If you ever have questions about canning, preserving, or food safety, you can ask a Master Food Preserver who will offer qualified, well researched, and knowledgeable advice.  To reach the helpline, call or email the following: 

Phone:  Master Food Preserver (MFP) helpline (805) 781-1429, Wednesdays from 1-3pm to speak to an MFP or bring in your home product

Email:  SLO MFP program at




By Stephanie Hill
By Noni Todd