Dr. Ellen M. Bruno

CE Specialist in Quantitative Policy Analysis
Agricultural & Resource Economics & Policy
223 Giannini Hall
Berkeley, CA, CA 94720
ebruno@berkeley.edu Create VCard


Ag Economics


Agricultural economics, water resource economics

Areas of Expertise (click to see all ANR academics with this expertise)


Peer Reviewed

  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Jessoe, Katrina (In Press). Designing Water Markets for Climate Change Adaptation. Nature Climate Change.
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Jessoe, Katrina, et al. (In Press). The Dynamic Impacts of Pricing Groundwater. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists.
  • Bruce, Molly; Sherman, Luke, et al. (2023). Recharge Net Metering (ReNeM) is a Novel, Cost-effective Management Strategy to Incentivize Groundwater Recharge. Nature Water. 1, 855–863.
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Hagerty, Nick, et al. (2023). The Political Economy of Groundwater Management: Descriptive Evidence from California. American Agriculture, Water Resources, and Climate Change.A. Dinar and G. Libecap. University of Chicago Press.
  • Rupiper, Amanda; Weill, Joaquim, et al. (2022). Untapped Potential: Leak Reduction is the Most Cost-Effective Urban Water Management Tool. Environmental Research Letters. 17:3, 4021.
  • Goodrich, Brittney; Kiesel, Kristin, et al. (2021). Differential Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on California's Produce and Nut Industries. Western Economics Forum. 19:1, 58-74.
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Jessoe, Katrina (2021). Missing Markets: Evidence on Agricultural Water Demand from Volumetric Pricing. Journal of Public Economics. 196, 104374.
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Jessoe, Katrina (2021). Using Price Elasticities of Water Demand to Inform Policy. Annual Review of Resource Economics. 13, 427-441.
  • Mishra, Ashok; Bruno, Ellen M., et al. (2020). Compound Natural and Human Disasters: Managing Drought and COVID-19 to Sustain Global Agriculture and Food Sectors. Science of the Total Environment. 754, 142210.
  • Saitone, Tina L.; Bruno, Ellen M. (2020). Cost Effectiveness of Livestock Guardian Dogs for Predator Control. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 44:1, 101-109.
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Sexton, Richard J. (2020). The Gains from Agricultural Groundwater Trade and the Potential for Market Power: Theory and Application. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 102:3, 884-910.
  • DeVincentis, Alyssa J.; Sandoval Solis, Sam, et al. (2020). Using Cost-Benefit Analysis to Understand Adoption of Winter Cover Cropping in California's Specialty Crop Systems. Journal of Environmental Management. 261, 110205.
  • Maples, Stephen; Bruno, Ellen, et al. (2018). Leveraging Hydrologic Accounting and Water Markets for Improved Water Management: The Case for a Central Clearinghouse. Water. 10:12, 1720. http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4441/10/12/1720/htm

Non-Peer Reviewed

  • Schlauch, Garrison; Bruno, Ellen, et al. (2023). Advancing a Collaborative Agenda to Meet California's Emergent Groundwater Management Needs. The Confluence Blog of the California Institute for Water Resources. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57210
  • Wardle, Arthur R.; Bruno, Ellen (2023). Database of Demand Management Actions Under SGMA Goes Live. The Confluence Blog of the California Institute for Water Resources. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=57634
  • Bruno, Ellen M. (2023). From Drought to Deluge: Designing Groundwater Pricing Policies to Cope with California's Water Woes. ARE Update. 26:4, 1-3. https://giannini.ucop.edu/filer/file/1682629680/20669/
  • Friberg, Astrid B.; Wardle, Arthur R., et al. (2023). How is Demand Management Developing in SGMA Groundwater Sustainability Plans? ARE Update. 26:5, 5-8. https://giannini.ucop.edu/filer/file/1688422541/20721/
  • Light, Sarah; Bruno, Ellen, et al. (2023). UCCE Resources on the Economics of Cover Cropping in Annual Rotations. Sacramento Valley Field Crops Newsletter. 14. July. https://cesutter.ucanr.edu/newsletters/Agronomy_Notes98395.pdf
  • Rupiper, Amanda; Weill, Joaquim, et al. (2022). Could Fixing Leaky Pipes Help Solve California's Water Problems? ARE Update. 25:4, 1-4. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/pub/2022/04/25/v25n4_1.pdf
  • Ayres, Andrew; Babbitt, Christina, et al. (2022). Designing Groundwater Markets in Practice: Lessons from Three California Groundwater Basins. The Future of Water Markets: Obstacles and Opportunities.S. Regan and E. Edwards. Property & Environment Research Center.
  • Bruno, Ellen M. (2022). Pricing Groundwater will Help Solve California's Water Problems. Knowable Magazine. https://knowablemagazine.org/article/food-environment/2022/pricing-groundwater-will-help-solve-california-water-problems?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=post&utm_campaign=originals&utm_content=US
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Schweizer, Heidi (2022). The Futures Market for California Water: Challenges and Policy Recommendations. The Future of Water Markets: Obstacles and Opportunities.S. Regan and E. Edwards. Property & Environment Research Center.
  • Wardle, Arthur R.; Griggs, Paige, et al. (2021). A Progress Report on California's Sustainable Groundwater Management Act. ARE Update. 24:3, 1-4. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/pub/2021/02/18/v24n3_1.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M. (2021). Identifying Policies to Mitigate the Costs of Drought. ARE Update. 25:1, 13-15. https://giannini.ucop.edu/filer/file/1635376344/20255/
  • Ayres, Andrew; Hanak, Ellen, et al. (2021). Improving California's Water Market: How Water Trading and Banking Can Support Groundwater Management. Public Policy Institute of California. https://www.ppic.org/publication/improving-californias-water-market/?utm_source=ppic&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=epub
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Goodrich, Brittney, et al. (2021). The Outlook for California's Almond Market. ARE Update. 24:6, 9-11. https://giannini.ucop.edu/filer/file/1629132674/20135/
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Schweizer, Heidi (2021). Why Wall Street Investors' Trading California Water Futures is Nothing to Fear-- and Unlikely to Work Anyway. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/why-wall-street-investors-trading-california-water-futures-is-nothing-to-fear-and-unlikely-to-work-anyway-155620
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; DeVincentis, Alyssa J., et al. (2020). Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Winter Cover Cropping in California. ARE Update. 23:6, 9-11. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/87/c0/87c06bec-e996-4498-a437-40f74e2f2819/v23n6_3.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Sexton, Richard J., et al. (2020). The Coronavirus and the Food Supply Chain. ARE Update. 23:4, 1-4. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/e0/01/e001c612-bdbe-47e6-83f8-7ce53cbce93f/v23n4_1.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Saitone, Tina L. (2019). Livestock Guardian Dogs: Do the Benefits Outweigh the Costs for Sheep Producers? ARE Update. 22:6, 9-11. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/b3/b5/b3b5c714-7d44-4b3b-97ce-df13a5febf7f/v22n6_3.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Ayres, Andrew, et al. (2019). Managing Flood Water for Aquifer Recharge: Economic Considerations for Policy. Global Water Forum. http://www.globalwaterforum.org/2019/11/19/managing-flood-water-for-aquifer-recharge-economic-considerations-for-policy/
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Zilberman, David (2019). What Does the 2018 Farm Bill Mean for California and the Environment? Spotlight on the Conservation Programs. ARE Update. 22:3, 6-8. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/22/6b/226b1fe1-ad11-4c38-9a58-2565325dce1f/v22n3_3.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M.; Jessoe, Katrina (2018). Climate Change and California's Water Supply: How Can We Adapt? ARE Update. 22:1, 1-3. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/49/a0/49a0c144-5d82-41e9-af7e-fe979f1773a9/v22n1_1.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M. (2018). The Economic Impacts of Agricultural Groundwater Markets. ARE Update. 21:6, 9-11. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/e7/f4/e7f4a689-2923-4969-a6ad-df8495e9bfe4/v21n6_3.pdf
  • Bruno, Ellen M. (2017). California's New Groundwater Law and the Implications for Groundwater Markets. ARE Update. 20:4, 1-4. https://s.giannini.ucop.edu/uploads/giannini_public/5a/0e/5a0e56bd-b6dd-4aa3-ac2d-135ccff6513c/v20n4_1.pdf

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