- Author: Ben Faber
We recently had a grower meeting covering the release of five new grape varieties that are resistant to Pierce's Disease
PD is a very debilitating disease of European wine grapes, like "dead vines" debilitating.
So where do you get these vines?
Andrew Walker writes, "At this point, 4 nurseries carry my new PD resistant wine grape varieties: Novavine (Santa Rosa), Wonderful (Wasco), Sunridge (Bakersfield) and Double A nursery in New York. These nurseries are still gearing up for large orders but will also service hobbyist orders. As the varieties become better know and used they will be more widely distributed and available. I'd start by checking with those nurseries. They usually have a minimum order and Double A might be the most accommodating of hobbyist orders."
- Author: Sonia Rios
When: December 15, 2016
Where: USDA-ARS U.S. Salinity Laboratory - Loctated on UCR Campus 450 W. Big Springs Road, Riverside, CA 92507 https://campusmap.ucr.edu/
Time: Registration, light breakfast & coffee will be served at 8:00 AM, program from 8:30 – Noon
Cost: FREE Please register at : http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=19550
Moderator: Sonia Rios, Subtropical Horticulture Farm Advisor, UCCE Riverside & San Diego Co.
8:30 AM – Welcome, Donald Suarez, U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Director
8:35 AM – “Management of avocado production in southern California” - Peggy Mauk Ph.D., Dir. of Agricultural
9:05 AM – “Avocado salinity management: Response of different rootstocks”- Donald Suarez Ph.D., USDA-ARS Salinity Laboratory Director
9:25 AM - “Grape Management in southern California - Carmen Gispert Ph. D. Area Viticulture Advisor, UCCE Riverside
9:55 AM – “Wine Grape production under saline conditions” - Donald Suarez Ph.D. USDA-ARS Salinity Laboratory Director.
10:10 AM - Break- light refreshments & snacks
10:30 – Noon - “Introducing Passion Fruit as a New Crop to Southern California- Cultural aspects and salinity effects” & Field Tour - Jorge Ferreira, Ph.D., Research Plant Physiologist, USDA-ARS, US Salinity Lab.
For more information, please Contact: Sonia Rios, UCCE Subtropical Farm Advisor: sirios@ucanr.edu
Donald Suarez, USDA Salinity Laboratory Director: donald.suarez@ars.usda.gov, 951-369-4815
- Author: Ben Faber
It ain't over yet, and this last week we had a wonderful 2 day meeting with folks who have dealt with drought in many different ways. Here are presentations made by people from Israel, Australia and California. Soon the actual videos will be available, but now see the powerpoints.
The grower panels are wonderful, but are not uploaded at this point
Session I: California Response to Drought
9:15am // Overview of California Drought Response
9:30am // El Nino Forecast for California and Possible Impacts on Irrigated Agriculture
Session II: Technology of Water Management
9:45am // Soil Water Sensing
10:15am // ETc Estimates - Weather Stations (CIMIS), surface renewal
11:00am // Salinity Measurement
11:30am // Consideration In Selecting Water Stress Indicators
12:00pm // Precision Water and Fertility Management During Deficit Irrigation
Session III: Alternative Water Supplies
1:30pm // Irrigation With Recycled and Desalinated Water
2:00pm // Effects of Irrigation With Poor Quality Water on the Soil - California Experience
2:30pm // Effects of Irrigation With Poor Quality Water on the Soil - Israeli Experience
3:00pm // The Challenge of Sustainable Irrigation with Water High in Salts: Lessons from Dates, Olives and Grapevines
Session IV: Water Management Strategies During Drought
3:45pm // Water Management Strategies during Drought - Australian Experience
4:45pm // Cultivation Under Protective Structures to Save Water
Session V: Technology Demonstrations​
8:00am // Irrigation Scheduling - Australian Experience - IrriSAT Approach (IrriSAT Supporting Materials)
8:30am // Using the Pressure Chamber for Drought Mangagement Decisions
9:00am // Irrigation System Evaluation
9:30am // Salinity Mapping for Water Management
Session VI: Conncurrent Breakout Groups
10:30am // Citrus - Israeli Experience: Long Term Effects of Deficit Irrigation, Salinity, and Rootstocks on Orchard Productivity
10:30am // Grapes - Table and Wine Grape Irrigation Scheduling
10:30 // Deciduous Nut Crops - Irrigation and Crop Load Interactions
10:30// Almond Irrigation, the Israeli Experience
11:15am // Olives - Israeli Experience: Cultivation Under Limited Water Availability
11:15am // Grapes - Wine Grapes Irrigation - Coastal Vineyards
11:15am // Deciduous Nut Crops - Almond Irrigation - Israeli Experience
1:00pm // Avocado - Israeli Experience
1:00pm // Grapes - Wine Grapes Irrigation: San Joaqin Valley
1:00pm // Deciduous Nut Crops - California Experience
1:30pm // Deciduous Nut Crops - Pistachios Irrigation
1:45 // Subtropical Crops - California Experience
1:45 // Grapes - Irrigation, the San Joaquin Valley
2:00pm // Deciduous Nut Crops - Walnut Irrigation
2:30pm // Grower Panels
3:15pm // Concluding Remarks