- Author: Bradley Hanson

A quick post on a Friday afternoon to share a link to a recent (January 14, 2025) webinar on Electric Weed Control in Organic Perennial Crops.
The webinar was part of a multi-state research and extension project that includes researchers from Oregon State University, Cornell University, and UC Davis and outreach support from eOrganic. Tong Zhen and I represented the almond portion of the project on this webinar while Luisa Baccin and Marcelo Moretti spoke about their blueberry work, and Aleah Butler-Jones and Lynn Sosnoskie covered the apple work as we enter the third year of this research.
Link to
- Author: Marcelo Moretti
- Posted by: Bradley Hanson
Reposted from the "Weeders of the West" blog with author's permission.
Marcelo Moretti summary of research on glufosinate best practices in hops (direct link to article).
Best Practices for Using Glufosinate in Hops
- Author: Chris J McDonald
Stinknet (Oncosiphon pilulifer) is an annual weed spreading aggressively in the southwestern US. This species was first found in North America the early 1980's in Southern California and it continues to spread aggressively in California and Arizona and a few populations have been found in Nevada. It is expected to spread beyond these areas. With the above average rainfall in Southern California in the winters of 2023 and 2024 numerous new stinknet populations have been discovered recently. Some have been adjacent to areas where stinknet was previously found and it's also been discovered in other areas that are far from known stinknet populations. We've also created a UC IPM pest note for managing stinknet that can be helpful as...
- Author: Thomas J Getts
- Author: Jutta Burger
- Author: Tunyalee Martin

Back in 2021 the California Invasive Plant Council (CAL IPC) and UC IPM launched the online decision support tool “WeedCUT” for wildland weed mangers to help assist making management decisions for wildland weeds. This tool focused on non-chemical weed control techniques and included detailed information for 21 physical methods that could be filtered by site and species characteristics as well as 18 plant taxa that could be targeted with biological control.
We are excited to announce that we have worked to improve this online decision support tool over the past three years, to make it even...
- Author: Bradley Hanson
Press release from 12/19/24
EPA Updates Process for Developing Maps to Protect Endangered Species
Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is taking another step to reduce potential impacts to farmers from implementing endangered species protections while continuing to protect endangered species by publishing a process it will use to develop maps for...