- Author: Belinda Messenger-Sikes
Published on: March 26, 2024
After years of drought, we welcome rain in California. But we also recognize that rain can help spread a number of plant diseases. Rain and wind can splash bacteria and fungi from infected leaves, branches, and blossoms to uninfected parts of the tree. The fungal diseases anthracnose, peach leaf curl, scab, shot hole blight, and the bacterial disease fire blight can all be spread by rain splash. This ability to spread by water makes these diseases more common after a wet spring. With 2023 bringing quite a bit of rainfall and 2024 looking similarly wet, we want to focus on some common rain-dispersed diseases.
Anthracnose affects many trees including almond, citrus, Chinese elm, and...
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Tags: anthracnose (0), bacterial (0), disease (0), fire blight (0), fungal (0), pest (0), pest management (0), rain (0), scab (0), spring (0), UC (0), UC IPM (0), urban (0), wet weather (0)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
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