Published on: September 10, 2018

Adult mantis. (Credit: Jack Kelly Clark)
Praying mantids are well-known predators we often see lurking around gardens, landscapes, and sometimes near porch lights, waiting for a tasty meal to arrive.
Praying mantid adults are 2 to 4 inches (5-10 cm) long and are usually yellowish, green, or brown. Mantids (often referred to as praying mantis) go through incomplete metamorphosis (egg, nymph, adult) and have one generation per year. Overwintering eggs are laid in groups in hard, grayish egg cases which are glued to wood, bark, or other plant material. Adults and immatures (nymphs) have an elongated thorax and grasping forelegs, which they have the...
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Tags: beneficial insects (9), biological control (8), mantis (1), natural enemies (17), pest (177), praying mantid (1), predator (5), UCIPM (85)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
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