Published on: December 7, 2020

Book cover of Pests of the Garden and Small Farm
Give the gift of knowledge this holiday season! Save up to 60% on select UC ANR gardening and landscape pest management publications now through December 11.
This essential handbook adapts scientifically based integrated pest management techniques to the needs of the home gardener and small-scale or urban farmer. 120 common pests are described in individual sections; crop-by-crop symptom identification tables guide you quickly to the information you need.
Public Value:
UCANR: Promoting healthy people and communities
Tags: books (2), cards (2), garden (57), gardening (4), home (14), identification (7), landscape (62), pest (177), sale (2), UC IPM (373)
Focus Area Tags: Pest Management, Yard & Garden
Comments: 0
Published on: June 15, 2018

Photo of Pests of the garden and small farm book and Vegetable pest identification cards.
Now until June 17, you can purchase Pests of the Garden and Small Farm together with the Vegetable Pest Identification for Gardens and Small Farms and save a bundle! Use this link For detailed information about the book and card set, read below.
Fresh Off the Press—Pests of the Garden and Small Farm, 3rd edition
A new edition of the best-selling Pests of the Garden and Small Farm: A Grower's Guide to Using Less Pesticide is now available for garden enthusiasts and small farmers. Authored by Mary Louise...
Focus Areas:
Tags: book (1), cards (2), garden (57), identification (7), pesticide (31), pests (73), sale (2), small farm (1), UC IPM (373)
Comments: 2
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