- Author: Ben Faber
A trial planted in Oxnard involved eight different pollinizer varieties at three different distances from 'Hass' tree rows. Yield data collected from 2002 – 2005 suggest that the presence of pollinizer varieties in close proximity enhance the total number of fruit harvested from ‘Hass'. The influence of pollinizers on yield diminishes as the distance from the pollinizer variety increases. Differences were detected between pollinizer varieties in terms of influencing ‘Hass' yield. The highest ‘Hass' yields were observed when ‘Fuerte', ‘Zutano' and ‘SirPrize' were used as the pollinizer. The lowest cumulative yield was observed when ‘Harvest', an A-Flower type was used. Small but significant differences were also detected in percent dry weight, fruit and seed length/width ratio and seed size. For a more complete description of the trial see: