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Seasonal observations of the UCCE Master Gardeners
by Ellice
on February 17, 2016 at 11:43 AM
Hi Erin,  
I've just stumbled across your post while googling about vanilla orchids. I, too, have been drawn by the allure of this unusual plant. I'm just wondering now (a year and a half since you originally posted this article) if you've seen any blossoms. A couple of years ago, I ventured into carnivorous plant territory and bought a Venus flytrap after reading up on its care. I must say that I LOVE my Audrey II. She's fascinating and a pleasure to watch (but dormant in the winter). So now, I'm thinking about trying out a vanilla orchid (for precisely the same reasons you've so eloquently stated). I have a couple of phalaenopses that have grown reasonably successfully and a Meyer's lemon tree that I nearly killed, but after a couple of years and a brutal trimming, has pulled a Lazarus and now looks beautiful (cannot describe how satisfying that is!). As you can tell, I love the romantic aspects of the green-thumb challenge posed by trying to grow these types of plants in Maryland (zone 6b) with just a sunroom. Anyway, I'd love to get an update on your vanilla orchid before I try to figure out how anyone can ship such as plant to me in Maryland's February. Thanks so much for sharing your comments. Now, I have to read your other posts. . . .  
by Alicia
on October 17, 2017 at 2:00 PM
Hi, I just stumbled across your post researching indoor vanilla orchids. How did your plant do? Is it still growing? Has it been able to flower? Do you have to mist it daily or set up a humidifier?
by Erin Mahaney
on October 17, 2017 at 7:40 PM
My vanilla plant is still alive! Unfortunately, I don't think it will ever thrive sufficiently to bloom because it likely requires warmer temperatures and humidity than I can provide. But it is fun to try!
by Jo
on November 30, 2024 at 1:38 PM
I work on a small farm in Yolo Co. and there is a 20 year old vanilla orchid in one of the greenhouses. It is enormous and flowers with gusto. Wish I could post a photo here. Anyway, we pollinated and harvested a couple handfuls of pods last year, and I hope to do the same again this year. It is such a a delight and luxury to work with something so rare for this latitude! :)
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