- Author: Brad Hanson
The 59th annual Weed Day at UC Davis will be held next week on Thursday July 16th. It's not too late to register but there are only a few spots left before we reach capacity.
CE Specialist Joe DiTomaso is the Weed Day chair this year and he has organized a great morning field tour where we'll look at on-going herbicide trials in tomato, melon, safflower, and nut orchards. We'll also have a demonstration of a machine vision robotic cultivator in transplanted vegetables, a herbicide symptomology demonstration, and a visit to the USDA-ARS aquatic weed research facility. Following tradition, we'll also have a weed ID quiz (with fabulous prizes) and then have a catered lunch on campus.
After lunch, we'll be inside (ie. in air conditioning), for a series of presentations on off campus weed research ranging from organic lettuce, to invasive trees, to herbicide resistance in rice and orchards, to invasive grasses and biocontrol programs. Lots of good information from a wide range of weed researchers.
For more information on registration for Weed Day and to see the detailed agenda, go to the Weed Research and Information Center (WRIC) Weed Day 2015 Webpage
Other upcoming weed science programs on my radar include:
UC Davis Weed Science School - August 18-20th, 2015 in Davis.
California Weed Science Society annual meeting - January 13-15, 2016 in Sacramento.
Western Society of Weed Science annual meeting - March 7-10, 2016 in Albuquerque, NM
Hope to see you at Weed Day!