- Author: Lisa A Blecker
[From the December 2015 issue of the UC IPM Green Bulletin]
Affected licenses include:
- Qualified Applicator Certificate (DPR)
- Qualified Applicator License (DPR)
- Apprentice Pest Control Aircraft Pilot (DPR)
- Pest Control Aircraft Pilot (DPR)
- Operator (SPCB)
- Field Representative (SPCB)
- Certified Technician (DPH)
- Private Applicator Certificate (CAC)
The primary proposed changes that will likely affect California pesticide applicators the most are:
- Category-specific Continuing Education (CE) requirements for commercial applicators. Commercial applicators will have to earn 6 CE Units covering Laws and Regulations (called “core”), AND 6 CE Units for each category in which they are licensed or certified. (See section XIV.B. “Recertification Requirements Unit” in the Federal Register link below.)
- Category-specific certification and CE for private applicators. Private applicators performing soil fumigation or non-soil fumigation will be required to be certified in those categories; they will have to take an additional test, and there will be additional CE requirements. (See the Federal Register for section VII. Establish Application Method-Specific Categories...” and section XIV.B. “Recertification Requirements Unit”.)
The public has the opportunity to comment on this proposal until January 22, 2016 (extended from original date of Nov. 23, 2015).
The proposed revisions can be found on https://federalregister.gov/a/2015-19988. The Docket is titled: Certification of Pesticide Applicators Rule Revision (40 CFR 171). To comment on the proposed rule, visit http://www.regulations.gov/#!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0183-0151.